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Richard Price
Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D. 1970 Social Anthropology, Harvard University

---- 1963-64 École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris

A.B. 1963 History and Literature. Phi Beta Kappa, Harvard University


2011- Duane A. and Virginia S. Dittman Professor Emeritus of American Studies, Anthropology, and History, College of William & Mary

1994-2011 Duane A. and Virginia S. Dittman Professor of American Studies, Anthropology, and History, College of William & Mary

2003 Visiting Professor, Departments of Anthropology and History, Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

2002 Directeur d'Études Invité, Section Sciences Religieuses (Sorbonne), École Pratiques des Hautes Études, Paris

1998 Visiting Professor, Department of History, Universidade Federal de Bahia (Brazil)

1994 George A. Miller Endowment Visiting Professor in History & Anthropology, University of Illinois

1994 Rockefeller Humanities Fellow, Center for Latin American Studies, University of Florida

1992 Fellow, Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Historical Studies, Princeton University

1989-present Comité Scientifique, Musée Régional de Guyane (Cayenne)

1989-90 Marta Sutton Weeks Senior Fellow, Stanford Humanities Center

1987-88 Visiting Professor, Inst. of International Studies, University of Minnesota

1974-87 Professor of Anthropology, Johns Hopkins University

1974-77,79-85 Chairman, Department of Anthropology, Johns Hopkins University

1986-87 Visiting Professor, Département d'Ethnologie, Université de Paris-X Nanterre and Département des Pays Anglophones, Université de Paris-VIII St. Denis

1985-86 Directeur d'Études Associé, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris

1978-81 Guest Curator, UCLA Museum of Cultural History, Walters Art Gallery

1969-74 Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Yale University


2013-present Member, Editorial Board, Revista de Estudos de História Atlântica (Rio de Janeiro)

2012-present Member, Editorial Board, Caribbean Series, Brill (Leiden)

2010-present Member, Editorial Board, Revista Pós Ciências Sociais (Maranhão)

2002-present Member, Editorial Board, Tipití

2000-present Member, Editorial Board, New World Diasporas series, University Press of Florida

1988-present Member, Editorial Committee, Association of Black Anthropologists

1988-present Member, Editorial Board, Transforming Anthropology

1982-present Member, Editorial Board (and Book Review Editor., 1990-present), New West Indian Guide

2001-2005 Member, Editorial Board, Ethnohistory

1995-2000 Consulting Editor, Encyclopedia of Latin American & Caribbean Cultures, Routledge

1993-1998 Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages

1988-1990 Member, Editorial Board, Caribbean Review

1983-1988 Member, Editorial Board, Ethnohistory

1980-1990 Advisory Editor for Anthropology and General Editor of Studies on the Non-Western Arts, G.K. Hall and Co.

1974-1987 General Editor, Johns Hopkins Studies in Atlantic History and Culture, Johns Hopkins University Press

1978-1981 Member, Faculty Editorial Board, Johns Hopkins University Press


Vicos, Peru (1961); Andalusia (1964); Zinacantan, Mexico (1965, 1966); Suriname (1966, 1967-68, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1978, 1979); French Guiana (1987, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1995, 1997, 2000-); Martinique (1962, 1963, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1990- ).


2002 “Suriname: Afroamerikaner” and “Suriname: andere (Javanen, Inder, Chinesen)” – two wings (88 sq meters) of the Völkerkundemuseum Herrnhut, Germany (co-curator with Sally Price). Permanent exhibition.

1982 “Arte afroamericano en el Caribe” (co-curator with Sally Price). Museo del Hombre Dominicano, Santo Domingo.

1980-82 “Afro-American Arts from the Suriname Rain Forest” (co-curator with Sally Price). Sponsored by the UCLA Museum of Cultural History and funded by three grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The Frederick S. Wight Art Gallery (Los Angeles), the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, the Walters Art Gallery (Baltimore), and the American Museum of Natural History (New York).


NIMH Predoctoral Fellowship (1963-68); NATO Postdoctoral Fellowship in Science (1969-70); SSRC-ACLS Postdoctoral Research Fellowship for Latin America (1972-73); National Science Foundation Research Grant (1976-78); Fellowship in Residence, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (1977-78); American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship (1978); Fulbright Senior Fellowship, Universities of Leiden and Utrecht (1982); National Endowment for the Humanities Research Grant (1981-83); US Department of Education Faculty Research Abroad Fellowship (1985-86); NSF-CNRS US-France Exchange of Scientists Fellowship (1985-86); CNRS Research Fellowship (1986-87); Fellowship in Residence, Stanford Humanities Center (1989-90); Fellowship in Residence, Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Historical Studies, Princeton University (1992); John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship (1992-93); Wenner-Gren Foundation grant-in-aid (1992-93); National Endowment for the Humanities Research Grant (1992-94); Rockefeller Humanities Fellowship, University of Florida (1994); Fulbright Senior Fellowship, Federal University of Bahia (1998); Fulbright Senior Specialists Grant, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2003); National Science Foundation Research Grant (2005-07); Elected Honorary Member of the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (2008); the Gaanman Gazon Matodja Award (the highest distinction bestowed by Maroons, via the Marroninstituut stichting Sabanapeti, Utrecht) (2010); Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres (France) (2014); Premio Interncaional Fernando Ortiz (Cuba) [El Premio Internacional Fernando Ortiz, instituido en 1997, es el más alto reconocimiento otorgado por la Fundación homónima por la actividad de toda una vida] (Havana, 2014)


1984 Elsie Clews Parsons Prize -- American Folklore Society (for First-Time)

1991 Albert J. Beveridge Award -- American Historical Association (for Alabi's World)

1992 Gordon K. Lewis Memorial Award for Caribbean Scholarship -- Caribbean Studies Association (for Alabi's World)

1993 J.I. Staley Prize in Anthropology -- School of American Research (for Alabi's World)

2008 The Victor Turner Prize in Ethnographic Writing (for Travels with Tooy)

2009 The Gordon K. and Sybil Lewis Memorial Award for Caribbean Scholarship (for Travels with Tooy)

2009 The Clifford Geertz Prize in the Anthropology of Religion (for Travels with Tooy)

2010 Gaanman Gazon Matodja Award (the highest distinction bestowed by Maroons, via the Marroninstituut stichting Sabanapeti, Utrecht)

2012 The Best Book Award of the American Political Science Association in the field of Human Rights (for Rainforest Warriors)

2012 Senior Book Prize of the American Ethnological Society (for Rainforest Warriors)

2014 Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres (France)

2014 Premio Internacional Fernando Ortiz (Cuba)


1973 Maroon Societies: Rebel Slave Communities in the Americas (edited and with an introduction by Richard Price). New York: Doubleday/Anchor. [Second edition, revised, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979; third edition, revised, with a new preface, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.]

1975 Saramaka Social Structure: Analysis of a Maroon Society in Surinam. Caribbean Monograph Series No. 12. Río Piedras: Institute of Caribbean Studies of the University of Puerto Rico.

1976 An Anthropological Approach to the Afro-American Past: A Caribbean Perspective (with Sidney W. Mintz). Philadelphia: ISHI Publications.

1976 The Guiana Maroons: A Historical and Bibliographical Introduction. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

1980 Afro-American Arts of the Suriname Rain Forest (with Sally Price). Berkeley: University of California Press.

1981 Sociedades cimarronas: comunidades esclavas rebeldes en las américas. Mexico: Siglo XXI. [Spanish-language edition of Maroon Societies]

1982 De Saramakaanse vrede van 1762: geselecteerde documenten (with Chris de Beet). Utrecht: Centrum voor Caraïbische Studies.

1983 First-Time: The Historical Vision of an Afro-American People. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. [Winner, 1984 Elsie Clews Parsons Prize of the American Folklore Society for “the best book on folklore published during the past two years.”] [Second edition, with a new foreword by the author, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2002]

1983 To Slay the Hydra: Dutch Colonial Perspectives on the Saramaka Wars. Ann Arbor: Karoma.

1988 John Gabriel Stedman's Narrative of a Five Years Expedition Against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam. Newly Transcribed from the Original 1790 Manuscript, Edited, and with an Introduction and Notes, by Richard and Sally Price. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

1990 Alabi's World. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. [Winner, the 1991 Albert J. Beveridge Award in American History, given by the American Historical Association for “the best work on American history from 1492 to the present”; the 1992 Gordon K. Lewis Memorial Award for Caribbean Scholarship, given by the Caribbean Studies Association; the 1993 J. I. Staley Prize in Anthropology, given by the School of American Research]

1991 Two Evenings in Saramaka (with Sally Price). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

1992 Stedman's Surinam: Life in an Eighteenth-Century Slave Society. An Abridged, Modernized Edition of Narrative of a Five Years Expedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam by John Gabriel Stedman. (Edited by Richard Price and Sally Price). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

1992 The Birth of African-American Culture (with Sidney W. Mintz). Boston: Beacon Press.

1992 Equatoria (with Sally Price). New York: Routledge.

1994 Les premiers temps: la conception de l'histoire des Marrons saramaka. Paris: Éditions du Seuil. [French edition of First-Time]

1994 On the Mall (with Sally Price). Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

1995 Enigma Variations (with Sally Price). Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

1998 The Convict and The Colonel. Boston: Beacon Press. [Second edition, with a new afterword by the author, Durham, Duke University Press, 2006]

1998 Die Instrumente der Fälscher (with Sally Price). Hamburg: Ernst Kabel Verlag. [German edition of Enigma Variations]

1999 Maroon Arts: Cultural Vitality in the African Diaspora (with Sally Price). Boston: Beacon Press.

2000 Le bagnard et le colonel. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. [French edition of The Convict & The Colonel]

2000 De kunst van de Marrons: Culturele vitaliteit in de Afrikaanse diaspora (with Sally Price). Amsterdam: KIT Press. [Dutch edition of Maroon Arts]

2003 O nascimento da cultura africana-americana (with S. W. Mintz). Rio de Janeiro: Pallas. [Portuguese edition of The Birth of African-American Culture]

2003 Les Marrons (with Sally Price). Châteauneuf-le-Rouge: Vents d’ailleurs.

2003 De geboorte van de Afrikaans-Amerikaanse cultuur; een antropologisch perspectief (with S. W. Mintz). Leiden: KITLV Press. [Dutch edition of The Birth of African-American Culture]

2003 The Root of Roots:, Or, How Afro-American Anthropology Got Its Start (with Sally Price). Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press/ University of Chicago Press.

2005 El presidiario y el coronel. San Juan, Puerto Rico: Ediciones Callejón. [Spanish edition of The Convict & The Colonel]

2005 Les Arts des Marrons (with Sally Price). La Roque d'Anthéron: Vents d’ailleurs. [expanded French edition of Maroon Arts]

2006 Romare Bearden: The Caribbean Dimension (with Sally Price). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

2006 Romare Bearden: Une dimension caribéenne (with Sally Price). La Roque d'Anthéron: Vents d’ailleurs. [French edition of Romare Bearden: The Caribbean Dimension]

2008 Travels with Tooy: History, Memory, and the African American Imagination. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. [Winner, the 2008 Victor Turner Prize in Ethnographic Writing, The 2009 Clifford Geertz Prize in the Anthropology of Religion, and the 2009 Gordon K. and Sybil Lewis Memorial Award for Caribbean Scholarship]

2010 John Gabriel Stedman's Narrative of a Five Years Expedition Against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam. Newly Transcribed from the Original 1790 Manuscript, Edited, and with an Introduction and Notes, by Richard and Sally Price. New York: Authors Guild Press.

2010 Voyages avec Tooy: Histoire, mémoire, imaginaire des Amériques noires. La Roque d'Anthéron: Vents d’ailleurs. [French edition of Travels with Tooy]

2011 Rainforest Warriors Human Rights on Trial. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. [Winner, the 2012 Best Book Award of the American Political Science Association in the field of Human Rights, and 2012 Senior Book Prize of the American Ethological Society]

2012 Peuple Saamaka contre état du Suriname : Combat pour la forêt et les droits de l'homme. Paris: Karthala.

2012. El origen de la cultura afroamericana. Una perspectiva antropológica (with Sidney W. Mintz). Mexico D.F.: Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social.

2013 Les premiers temps: la conception de l'histoire des Marrons saramaka. Second French edition, with a new foreword by the author. La Roque d'Anthéron: Vents d'ailleurs.

2013 Fesiten [Saramaka language edition of First-Time]. Translated and adapted by Richard Price & Sally Price. La Roque d'Anthéron: Vents d'ailleurs.

2016 Le bagnard et le colonel. Second French edition, with a new afterword by the author. La Roque d'Anthéron: Vents d'ailleurs.

2016 John Gabriel Stedman's Narrative of a Five Years Expedition Against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam. Newly Transcribed from the Original 1790 Manuscript, Edited, and with an Introduction and Notes, by Richard and Sally Price. New York: Open Road.

2016 Boléro tropical (with Sally Price). New York: Libriso Books. [French version of Enigma Variations]

2016 Deux soirées de contes saamaka (with Sally Price). La Roque d'Anthéron: Vents d'ailleurs.

2016 Boo go a kontu konde (with Sally Price) [Saamaka translation of Two Evenings in Saramaka]. La Roque d'Anthéron: Vents d'ailleurs.

2017 Saamaka Dreaming (with Sally Price). Durham: Duke University Press.


2022 Les Marrons en Guyane (with Sally Price). Matoury, Guyane: Ibis Rouge.


2022 Maroons in Guyane: Past, Present, Future (with Sally Price). Athens: University of Georgia Press.


2022 Inside/Outside: Adventures in Caribbean History and Anthropology. Athens: University of Georgia Press.


2023 Os primeiros tempos. São Paulo: EdUSP. [Portuguese language edition of First-Time].




1964 “Magie et pêche à la Martinique.” L'Homme 4:84-113.

1965 “Trial marriage in the Andes.” Ethnology 4:310-322.

1966 “Caribbean fishing and fisherman: a historical sketch.” American Anthropologist 68:1363-1383. Available at: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/34103018/RP%201966%20caribbean%20fishing%20and%20fishermen.pdf

1966 “Fishing rites and recipes in a Martiniquan village.” Caribbean Studies 6(1):3-24.

1966 “Noviazgo in an Andalusian pueblo” (with Sally Price). Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 22:302-322.

1966 “Stratification and courtship in an Andalusian village” (with Sally Price). Man 1:526-533.

1967 “Un barbier-arracheur de dents en Andalousie.” L'Homme 7:97-102. [Translated as “Some ethnographic insights into the history of dentistry: contemporary barber-toothdrawers,” Bulletin of the History of Dentistry 20:7-13, 1972; also translated as “Algunos apuntes etnológicos en la historia de la odontología: barberos-sacamuelas contemporaneos,” Boletín de Información Dental (Madrid) 42(324):63-67, 1982.]

1968 “Land use in a Maya Community.” International Archives of Ethnography 51:1-19.

1970 “Aspects of social organization in a Maya hamlet” (with Sally Price). Estudios de Cultura Maya 8:297-318.

1970 “Saramaka emigration and marriage: a case study of social change.” Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 26:157-189.

1970 “Saramaka woodcarving: the development of an Afroamerican art.” Man 5:363-378.

1971 “Studies of Caribbean family organization: problems and prospects.” Dédalo (Revista de Arqueologia e Etnologia da USP) 14:23-59.

1972 “The Guiana maroons: changing perspectives in 'Bush Negro' studies.” Caribbean Studies 11(4):82-105.

1972 “Kammbá: the ethnohistory of an Afro-American art” (with Sally Price). Antropológica 32:3-27.

1972 “Saramaka onomastics: an Afro-American naming system” (with Sally Price). Ethnology 11:341-367. Available at: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/34103018/RP-SP%201972%20%20Onomastics-%20Ethnology.pdf

1973 “Avenging spirits and the structure of Saramaka lineages.” Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 129:86-107.

1974 “Aerial photography in the study of land use: a Maya example,” in Evon Z. Vogt (ed.), Aerial Photography in Anthropological Fieldwork. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, pp. 94-111.

1975 “Kikoongo and Saramaccan: a reappraisal.” Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 131:461-478.

1976 “Secret play languages in Saramaka: linguistic disguise in a Caribbean creole” (with Sally Price), in Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett (ed.), Speech Play. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 37-50. Available at: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/34103018/RP-SP%201976%20Secret%20Play%20Languages.pdf

1979 “Remarks on a critical edition of Narrative of a Five-Years' Expedition by Lieutenant Colonel John Gabriel Stedman.” Mededelingen der Surinaams Musea 29:25-32.

1979 “Kwasímukámba's gambit.” Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land-, en Volkenkunde 135:151-169.

1979 “John Gabriel Stedman's collection of 18th-century artifacts from Suriname” (with Sally Price). Nieuwe West-Indische Gids 53:121-140. [Reprinted in Mededelingen der Surinaams Musea 27:32-45, 1979.]

1979 “De Marrons van Suriname: een historische inleiding.” Mededelingen der Surinaams Musea 28:10-54.

1980 “Exotica and commodity: the arts of the Suriname Maroons” (with Sally Price). Caribbean Review 9(4):12-17, 47.

1980 “The arts of the Suriname Maroons” (with Sally Price). Mededelingen der Surinaams Musea 31:17-35.

1981 “Afro-American Arts of Suriname” (with Sally Price). Johns Hopkins Magazine 32(4):18-25.

1981 “Les sociétés des esclaves marrons,” in Sidney W. Mintz (ed.), Esclave = facteur de production. Paris: Dunod, pp. 87-118.

1981 “Art of the rain forest” (with Sally Price). Natural History 90(9):54-63.

1984 “First-time: anthropology and history among the Saramaka.” Caribbean Review 13(1):20-23, 45-48.

1984 “To every thing a season: the development of Saramaka calendrical reckoning.” Tijdschrift OSO 3:63-71. Available at: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/34103018/To%20Every%20Thing%20a%20Season%20-%20text%20version.pdf

1985 “The dark complete world of a Caribbean store: a note on the world-system.” Review (A Journal of the Fernand Braudel Center for the Study of Economies, Historical Systems and Civilizations) 9:215-219.

1985 “John Gabriel Stedman's 'Journal of a Voyage to the West Indies in ye Year 1772. In a Poetical Epistle to a Friend'” (with Sally Price). New West Indian Guide 59:185-96.

1985 “An absence of ruins? Seeking Caribbean historical consciousness.” Caribbean Review 14(3):24-29, 45. Available at: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/34103018/RP%201985%20An%20Absence%20of%20Ruins.pdf

1986 “First-Time: historia y antropología entre los saramaka.” Revista de Ciencias Sociales 25(1/2):261-85.

1987 “Afro-Surinamese Religions,” in Mircia Eliade (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Religion. New York: The Free Press, pp. I, 105-07.

1989 “Indian summers” (with Niko Price and Sally Price), in Victoria R. Bricker and Gary H. Gossen (eds.), Ethnographic Encounters in Southern Mesoamerica: Essays in Honor of Evon Zartman Vogt, Jr., Albany, Institute for Mesoamerican Studies, pp. 125-32.

1989 “Working for the Man: a Saramaka outlook on Kourou” (with Sally Price). New West Indian Guide 63:199-207.

1989 “Resistance to slavery in the Americas: maroons and their communities.” Indian Historical Review 15(1-2):71-95.

1989 Representations of slavery: John Gabriel Stedman's “Minnesota” manuscripts. Minneapolis: James Ford Bell Library.

1990 “Al margen de las plantaciones: los cuentos de los cimarrones afroamericanos.” Del Caribe 16/17:37-42.

1990 Ethnographic History, Caribbean Pasts. College Park: Department of Portuguese and Spanish, University of Maryland.

1990 “Stedman's Surinam: the original Narrative.” Caribbean Review 16 (3/4):18-23.

1990 “Of princesses, jaguars, and scrawny little kids: Maroon folktales in comparative perspective” (with Sally Price), in Frank Bovenkerk, Frank Buis, & Henk Tromp (eds.), Wetenschap en partijdigheid: opstellen voor André J.F. Köbben, Assen, Van Gorcum, pp. 33-42.

1990 “Slave resistance and maroon communities: new directions in ethnographic history.” Anales del Caribe (Casa de las Americas, Havana) 10:7-15.

1991 “Subsistence on the plantation periphery: crops, cooking, and labour among eighteenth-century Suriname Maroons.” Slavery & Abolition 12: 107-127. [Reprinted in Ira Berlin & Philip D. Morgan (eds.), The Slaves' Economy: Independent Production by Slaves in the Americas, London, Frank Cass, 1991, pp. 107-27]

1991 “Monde caraïbe,” in Pierre Bonte, Michel Izard, et al. (eds.), Dictionnaire de l'ethnologie et de l'anthropologie. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, pp. 125-126.

1991 “Les amériques noires,” in Pierre Bonte, Michel Izard, et al (eds.), Dictionnaire de l'ethnologie et de l'anthropologie. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, pp. 62-64.

1991 “Herskovits, Melville J.,” in Pierre Bonte, Michel Izard, et al. (eds.), Dictionnaire de l'ethnologie et de l'anthropologie. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, pp. 322-323.

1991 “Kluckhohn, Clyde,” in Pierre Bonte, Michel Izard, et al. (eds.), Dictionnaire de l'ethnologie et de l'anthropologie. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, pp. 404-405.

1992 “Maroons: rebel slaves in the Americas,” in 1992 Festival of American Folklife, Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution, pp. 62-64. [reprinted in Educational Resource Guide for Creativity and Resistance: Maroon Cultures in the Americas, Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibitions Service, 1999]

1992 “Encuentros dialógicos en un espacio de muerte,” in Manuel Gutiérrez Estévez et al. (eds.), De palabra y obra en el nuevo mundo. 2.- Encuentros interétnicos, Madrid, Siglo XXI, pp. 33-62.

1992 “Widerstand, Rebellion und Freiheit: Maroon Societies in Amerika und ihre Kunst” (with Sally Price), in Corinna Raddatz (ed.), Afrika in Amerika, Hamburg, Hamburgisches Museum für Völkerkunde, pp. 157-173.

1992 “Novas direções na história etnográfica.” Estudos Afro-Asiáticos 23:191-200.

1993 “Collective fictions: performance in Saramaka folktales” (with Sally Price), in Dorothea S. Whitten and Norman E. Whitten, Jr. (eds.), Imagery and Creativity: Ethnoaesthetics and Art Worlds in the Americas, Tucson, University of Arizona Press, pp. 235-288.

1993 “Los otros de los otros,” in Manuel Gutiérrez Estévez et al. (eds.), De palabra y obra en el nuevo mundo. 3.- La formación del otro, Madrid, Siglo XXI, pp. 483-506.

1994 “Ethnicity in a museum case: France's show-window in the Americas” (with Sally Price). Museum Anthropology 18(2):3-15.

1994 “Saramaka” (with Sally Price), in David Levinson (ed.), Encyclopedia of World Cultures, Boston, G.K. Hall/ Macmillan, pp. 296-299.

1995 “Met of zonder?: Postmodern play and the smell of truth,” in K. Geuijen, D. Raven and J. de Wolf (eds.), Post-modernism and Anthropology, Assen: Van Gorcum, pp. 89-107.

1995 “Executing culture: musée, museo, museum” (with Sally Price). American Anthropologist 97:97-109.

1995 “Executing ethnicity: the killings in Suriname.” Cultural Anthropology 10:437-471.

1995 “Duas variantes de relações raciais no Caribe.” Estudos Afro-Asiáticos 28:185-202.

1996 “Kinship and Sex Roles” (with Sidney W. Mintz), in Christine Barrow (ed.), Family in the Caribbean: Themes and Perspectives. Kingston: Ian Randle, London: James Curry, pp. 269-278.

1996 “Palmares como poderia ter sido,” in João José Reis & Flávio dos Santos Gomes (eds.), Liberdade por um fio: Historia dos quilombos no Brasil. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, pp. 52-59.

1996 “Museums, ethnicity, and nation-building: reflections from the French Caribbean” (with Sally Price), in Gert Oostindie (ed.), Ethnicity in the Caribbean: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoetink. London: Macmillan, pp. 81-105.

1996 “Preface to the 1996 Edition,” in Richard Price, Maroon Societies: Rebel Slave Communities in the Americas, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. xi-xl..

1997 “Shadowboxing in the Mangrove” (with Sally Price). Cultural Anthropology 12:3-36.

1997 “The Birth of African-American Culture” (with Sidney W. Mintz), in Timothy E. Fulop & Albert J. Raboteau (eds.), African- American Religion: Interpretive Essays in History and Culture. New York: Routledge, pp. 37-53.

1998 “Literature of Slavery: Dutch Literature,” “Maroons,” and “Slave Republics,” in Paul Finkelman & Joseph C. Miller (eds.), Macmillan Encyclopedia of World Slavery, New York, Simon & Schuster Macmillan, pp. 534, 557-558, 814-816.

1998 “Scrapping Maroon History: Brazil's Promise, Suriname's Shame.” New West Indian Guide 72: 233-255.

1998 “Maroons,” in Seymour Drescher and Stanley L. Engerman (eds.), A Historical Guide to World Slavery. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 266-269.

1999 “Shadowboxing in the Mangrove: The Politics of Identity in Postcolonial Martinique” (with Sally Price). [reprint of 1997 Cultural Anthropology paper], in Belinda Edmondson (ed.), Caribbean Romances: The Politics of Regional Representation, Charlottesville, University Press of Virginia, pp. 123-162.

1999 “Modernity, Memory, Martinique,” in Isidore Okpewho, Carole Boyce Davies, and Ali A. Mazrui (eds.), The African Diaspora: African Origins and New World Identities. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 76-88.

1999 “Quilombolas e direitos humanos no Suriname.” Horizontes Antropológicos 10:203-242.

1999 “Saramaka Maroon Folktales in Comparative Afro-American Perspective” (with Sally Price), in Margaret Read MacDonald (ed.), Traditional Storytelling Today: An International Sourcebook, London, Fitzroy Dearborn, pp. 522-527.

1999 “Monumenten en onhoorbare kreten: een perspectief vanuit Martinique,” in Gert Oostindie (ed.), Het verleden onder ogen. Herdenking van de slavernij, Amsterdam: Arena/The Hague: Prince Claus Fund, pp. 129-135.

1999 “A politica da identidade nas Antilhas Francesas” (with Sally Price) Estudos Afro-Asiáticos 35:7-42.

2000 “Maroon Communities in Suriname,” in Henry Louis Gates, Jr., and Anthony K. Appiah (eds.), Africana Encarta CD-ROM. Redmond WA: Microsoft.

2000 “Reinventando a história dos quilombos: rasuras e confabulações.” Afro-Ásia 23:241-265.

2000 “Memória, modernidade, Martinica (fragmentos de um livro).” Ilha—Revista de Antropologia 2:47-69.

2001 “African-Derived Religions in Suriname,” in Stephen D. Glazier (ed.), Encyclopedia of African and African-American Religions, New York: Routledge, pp. 334-337.

2001 “The Miracle of Creolization: A Retrospective,” New West Indian Guide 75:35-64.

2001 “Monuments and Silent Screamings: A View from Martinique,” in Gert Oostindie (ed.), Facing Up to the Past: Perspectives on the Commemoration of Slavery from Africa, the Americas and Europe. Kingston: Ian Randle, pp.II-III, 58-62.

2001 “Beyond the Rainforest” (with Sally Price) in Lowell Fiet & Janette Becerra (eds.), Cultural (con)Fusion?: TransCaribbean Performance and Performers, San Juan: Universidad de Puerto Rico, pp. 3-19.

2001 “Maroons in Anthropology,” in Neil J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes (eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Oxford, Elsevier Science Ltd., vol. 14, pp. 9253-9256.

2001 “Maroons in the Americas: Heroic Pasts, Ambiguous Presents, Uncertain Futures.” Cultural Survival Quarterly 25(4):8-9.

2001 “Invitation to Historians: Practices of Historical Narrative.” Rethinking History 5(3):357-365.

2001 “Maroons under Assault in Suriname and French Guiana” (with Sally Price). Cultural Survival Quarterly 25(4):38-45.

2002 “Les Marrons: Vingt pour cent de la population de la Guyane.” (with Sally Price). Dérades 8:51-60.

2002 “Foreword to the second edition,” in Richard Price, First-Time: The Historical Vision of an Afro-American People. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. xi-xvi.

2002 “Maroons in Suriname and Guyane: How Many and Where.” New West Indian Guide 76: 81-88.

2003 “Violence and Hope in a Space of Death: Paramaribo.” Common-place: The Interactive Journal of Early American Life 3(4) July -- www.common-place.org

2003 “Apologies to Djankusó.” New West Indian Guide 77:289-294.

2003 "Suriname – eine Einfürung" (with Sally Price), in Ethnographie und Herrnhuter Mission: Völkerkundemuseum Herrnhut. Dresden: Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde Dresden, pp. 120-121.

2003 "Suriname – Afroamerikanische Marron" (with Sally Price), in Ethnographie und Herrnhuter Mission: Völkerkundemuseum Herrnhut. Dresden: Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde Dresden, pp. 138-149.

2003 "Suriname – Kreolen, Chinesen, Inder, Javaner" (with Sally Price and Petra Martin), in Ethnographie und Herrnhuter Mission: Völkerkundemuseum Herrnhut. Dresden: Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde Dresden, pp. 150-153.

2003 "Maroons and Their Communties," in Gad Heuman and James Walvin (eds.), The Slavery Reader, New York, Routledge, pp. 608-625.

2003 "O Milagre da Crioulização: Retrospectiva." Estudos Afro-Asiáticos 25:383-419.

2004 "First-Time," in Keith Jenkins and Alun Munslow (eds.), The Nature of History Reader. New York: Routledge, pp. 142-155.

2004 "Marrons in Suriname en Frans Guyana: Verleden, Heden, Toekomst " (with Sally Price), in Marjan Beijering (ed.), Gedeeld Verleden, Gezamenlijke Toekomst. Rotterdam: Stichting Gedeeld Verleden, Gezamenlijke Toekomst, pp. 9-21.

2003 "Refiguring Palmares." Tipiti 1(2):211-219.

2004 "Clin d'oeil sur l'implantation des Marrons en Guyane" (with Sally Price). MenMoMag (Novembre).

2004 “John Gabriel Stedman (1744-1797),” in H.C.G. Matthew and Brian Harrison (eds.), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford, Oxford University Press.

2004 "Meditação em torno dos usos da narrativa na antropologia contemporânea." Revista Horizontes Antropológicos 21:295-312.

2004 "Os Direitos Humanos dos Quilombolas no Suriname e na Guiana Francesa" (with Sally Price), in Claudia Fonseca, Veriano Terto Jr, and Caleb Farias Alves (eds.), Antropologia, diversidade e direitos humanos: diálogos interdisciplinares, Porto Alegre, Editora da UFRGS, pp. 199-220.

2005 "La historia cultural afroamericana en los albores del siglo XXI" (with Sally Price), in María Elisa Velázquez & Ethel Correa (eds.), Poblaciones y culturas de origin africano en México. Mexico: Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, pp. 161-216.

2005 “Dialogical encounters in a space of death,” in John Smolenski and Thomas J. Humphrey (eds.), New World Orders: Violence, Sanction, and Authority in the Colonial Americas. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 45-67.

2005 "Suriname Maroon" (with Sally Price), in William M. Clements (ed.), Greenwood Encyclopedia of World Folklore and Folklife, Westport CT, Greenwood, vol. 4, pp. 236-243.

2005 "Runaway Slaves in Latin America and the Caribbean," in Colin Palmer (ed.), Encyclopedia of African-American Culture and History: The Black Experience in the Americas. Detroit: Macmillan, pp. 1978-1985.

2005 "The Largest Part of the Forest," in Fórum Cultural Mundial (2004: São Paulo), Salvador, Bahia: Instituto Cultural Casa Via Magia, pp. 151-153.

2006 "On the Miracle of Creolization," in Kevin A. Yelvington (ed.), Afro-Atlantic Dialogues: Anthropology in the Diaspora. Santa Fe: SAR Press, pp. 113-145

2006 "Histoire du Soldat," in Philippe Guyot & Jacqueline Zonzon (eds.), Guyane, Histoire et Mémoire, Cayenne, Archives Départementales de Guyane, pp. 101-112.

2006 "Vecinos molestos: Cimarrones e indios en Surinam," in Comisión Nacional Dominicana de la Ruta del Esclavo, La ruta del esclavo, Santo Domingo, Editora Búho.

2007 “Liberdade, Fronteiras e Deuses: Saramakas no Oiapoque (c. 1900),” in Flávio dos Santos Gomes & Olívia María Gomes da Cunha (eds.), Quase-Cidadão: histórias antropologias da pós-emancipação no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Editora da Fundação Getulio Vargas, pp. 119-146.

2007 "Africans Discover America: The Ritualization of Gardens, Landscapes, and Seascapes by Suriname Maroons," in Michel Conan (ed.), Sacred Gardens and Landscapes: Ritual and Agency, Washington, D.C., Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, pp. 221-236.

2007 "Some Anthropological Musings on Creolization." Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 22(1):17-36.

2008 "From Reel-to-Reel to Printed Page: The Biography of a Transcription" (with Sally Price). Interva(le)s II.2-III.1 (Fall 2008-Winter 2009):686-711.

2008 "Saramaka Sea Gods," in Henry John Drewal (ed.), Sacred Waters: Arts for Mami Wata and other Water Divinities in Africa and the Diaspora, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, pp. 548-558.

2008 "Transcribing Gods’ Words." Interva(le)s II.2-III.1 (Fall 2008-Winter 2009):671-685.

2009 "Further Travels." Small Axe 13:218-228.

2010 "Romare Bearden (1911-1988): Artist, Intellectual, Activist" (with Sally Price), in Beatriz G. Mamigonian and Karen Racine (eds.), The Human Tradition in the Black Atlantic 1500-2000, Lanham MD, Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 177-190.

2010 "African Diaspora and Anthropology," in Tejumola Olaniyan and James H. Sweet(eds.), The African Diaspora and the Disciplines, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, pp. 94-128

2010 “Uneasy Neighbors: Maroons and Indians in Suriname.” Tipití 8(2): Article 4.

2011 “Collage et patchwork : l’art de Romare Bearden,” in Valérie Dupont (ed.), Tissage et métissage: le textile dans l’art (XIXè-XXIè siècles, Dijon : Editions Universitaires de Dijon, pp. 83-89.

2011 "The Concept of Creolization," in David Eltis and Stanley L Engerman (eds.), World History of Slavery, Cambridge, U.K., Cambridge University Press, pp. 513-537.

2011 "From The Teachings of Don Juan to Travels with Tooy: One Anthropologist’s Trip.” Journal of the Anthropology of Consciousness 22:138-160.

2011 “Saramaka People v Suriname; The Rights of Maroons and Indigenous Peoples in the Twenty-First Century.” OSO 2011(1):116-133.

2012 “Practices of Historical Narrative,” in Authoring the Past: Writing and Rethinking History, edited by Alan Munslow, London, Routledge, pp. 84-90.

2012 “Maroons in Suriname and French Guiana” (with Sally Price), in Caribbean Art at the Crossroads of the World, edited by Deborah Cullen and Elvis Fuentes. New Haven: Yale University Press, pp. 124-135.

2012. "Maroons in the Caribbean" [plus French and Spanish versions]. Atlas of the Caribbean [an on-line joint project of The University of the West Indies and The Université des Antilles et de la Guyane]

2012. "Maroons’ Daily Life under Colonialism" [plus French and Spanish versions]. Atlas of the Caribbean [an on-line joint project of The University of the West Indies and The Université des Antilles et de la Guyane]

2012. "Maroon Resistance" [plus French and Spanish versions]. in Cruse & Rhiney (Eds.), Caribbean Atlas, http://www.caribbean-atlas.com/en/themes/waves-of-colonization-and-control-in-the-caribbean/resistance-to-imperialism-and-emancipation/maroon-resistance.html.

2012. "Saramaka People v Suriname: A Human Rights Victory and Its Messy Aftermath." Cultural Survival Quarterly (December).

2013 “Suriname Literary Geography: The Changing Same” (with Sally Price), in Surveying the American Tropics: A Literary Geography from New York to Rio, Maria Cristina Fumagalli, Peter Hulme, Owen Robinson, and Lesley Wylie (eds.). Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, pp. 285-312.

2013. “Fesiten: Les premiers temps” and “Retour sur un long combat judiciaire. ” Une Saison en Guyane 11:22-31.

2013. "Michel-Rolph Trouillot (1949-2012). American Anthropologist 115:717-720.

2013 “Saamaka Gays in Quilombos?” Revista de História Comparada, Rio de Janeiro, 7(1):149-155.

2013 “História subalterna e direitos humanos: O caso do Povo Saamaka V. Suriname,” in Dilamar Cândida Martins, Jordão Horta Nunes, Manuel Ferreira Lima Filho (eds.), Subalternidades: Fluxos y Cenários, Goiás: Editóra da PUC, pp. 17-28.

2013 “Créolisation et historicité.” L’homme 207-208 :289-312.

2013 "The Maroon Population Explosion: Suriname and Guyane." New West Indian Guide 87: 323-327.

2014 “Outras bandeiras do lucro infame.” Revista da Historia da Biblioteca Nacional [Rio de Janeiro] 108: 23-25.

2014 “L’ethnologue comme témoin expert : témoignages.” Socio [Paris] 3 : 83-102.

2014 “Epilogue: The Aesthetics and Politics of Multilingualism among the Saamaka” (with Sally Price), in Eithne Carlin, Isabelle Léglise, Bettina Migge & Paul Tjon Sie Fat (eds.), In And Out of Suriname: Language, Mobility And Identity, Leiden, Brill, pp. 252-260.

2014 “The Three Jumpers” (with Sally Price). Berlin: Humboldt-Forum— http://www.humboldt-forum.de/en/humboldt-lab-dahlem/documentation/probebuehne-1/jumpers/positions/

2015 “Maroons in Anthropology,” in James D. Wright (ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 14. Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 591–595.

2015 "Maroons," in Joseph P. Miller et al, The Princeton Companion to Atlantic History. Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 326-329.

2015 "Creolization," in Joseph P. Miller et al, The Princeton Companion to Atlantic History. Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 125-127.

2015 “Le fameux cas de Saramaka v Suriname : Peut-on parler de “progrès” depuis la victoire du Peuple saamaka devant la Cour interaméricaine des Droits de l’homme en 2007 ?”, in Jean Moomoú (ed.), Sociétés maronnes des Amériques : Mémoires, patrimoines, identités et histoire du XVIIe au XXe siècles, Matoury, Guyane, Ibis Rouge, pp. 520-530.

2015 “Synthèse du colloque,” in Jean Moomou (ed.), Sociétés maronnes des Amériques : Mémoires, patrimoines, identités et histoire du XVIIe au XXe siècles, Matoury, Guyane, Ibis Rouge, pp. 721-732.

2015. “Suriname : le peuple Saamaka défend ses terres,” in Simone Dreyfus-Gamelon & Patrick Klusza (eds.), Les indiens d’Amazonie face au développement prédateur, Paris, L’Harmattan, pp. 145-164.

2016 “Les Marrons" (with Sally Price), in Le patrimoine des communes de la Guyane. Paris: Attiques, pp. 32-39.

2016 “Michel-Rolph Trouillot (1949-2012),” in Franklin Knight and Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (eds.), Dictionary of Caribbean and Afro-Latin American Biography, Oxford, Oxford University Press, Vol. 6, pp. 210-211.

2016  "Reflexões sobre os 50 Anos de Diálogos Antropológicos" (with Sally Price), in Carmen Rial & Elisete Schwade (eds.), Diálogos Antropológicos Contemporâneos: Expandindo Fronteiras, Rio de Janeiro, ABA, pp. 25-41.


2017 “Créolisation, Creolization, and Créolité,” Small Axe 52:.211-219.

2017 “Médard Meets Mighty Mouse,” New West Indian Guide 91:261-164

2017 “La religión como corazón de la cultura Saamaka,” Anales del Caribe 277-288.


2017 "The Anthropologist as Expert Witness: A Personal Account," in James A.R. Nafziger (ed.), Law and Anthropology, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, pp. 415-429.

2018 “Les Marrons et leurs communautés aux Amériques,” Politika (EHESS), https://www.politika.io/fr/notice/marrons-leurs-communautes-aux-ameriques

2018 “Saamaka Language, Ethnicity, and Identity: Suriname and Guyane” (with Sally Price), in Jacqueline Knörr and Wilson Trajano Filho (eds.), Creole Languages in Postcolonial Diversity, Leiden: Brill, pp. 96-115.

2018 “The Oldest Daughter of Overseas France,” in Sarah Wood & Catriona MacLeod (eds.), Locating Guyane, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, pp. 17-32.

2018 “Maroons in Guyane: Getting the Numbers Right,” New West Indian Guide 92:275-283.

2018 “Chasing Death’s Left Hand: Personal Encounters with Death and its Rituals in the Caribbean,” in Passages and Afterworlds: Anthropological Perspectives on Death in the Caribbean, edited by Maarit Forde & Yanique Hume. Durham: Duke University Press, pp. 225-242.


2018  "První čas: Antropologie a historie u Saramaků," in Alice Flemrová and Šárka Grauová (eds.), Zrcadla a Masky: Zamyšlení nad kulturní identitou v esejích z periferií i z center. Prague: Univerzita Karlova, pp. 59-70. 


2019 "A Half-Century of 'Bush-Negro' Studies," in Olívia Maria Gomes da Cunha (ed.), Maroon Cosmopolitics: Personality, Creativity and Incorporation, Leiden, Brill, pp. 35-53.


2019 "Bearden's Caribbean Dimension" (with Sally Price), in Robert O'Meally (ed.), The Romare Bearden Reader, Durham NC, Duke University Press, pp. 351-362.


2019 "A Harvard Physician's Reports on an 1857 Visit to the Saamaka" (with Christopher D. E. Willoughby), New West Indian Guide 93:259-278.

2020 "Rainforest Villages, Eighteenth-Century History," Memory Studies 13(5):792-804.


2020  "Pierre Verger among the Aukans: Suriname 1948," in Willem de Rooij (ed.), Pierre Verger in Suriname, Berlin, Walther König, pp. 283-286.


2020 "Maroon Societies in the Americas," in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History. Oxford University Press, 2016—. Article published December 17, 2020. doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190277734.013.935.


2021 "Les Frères moraves au Suriname et en Allemagne : proto-ethnologues, collectionneurs occasionnels, achivistes et muséologues dévoués," in Laurick Zerbini (ed.), L'objet africain dans les expositions et musées missionnaires (XIXe-XXIe siècle) : Dépouiller, partager, restituer, Paris, Maisonneuve & Larose, pp. 93-114, plates vi-xiv.


2021   "From Fesiten to Fesibuku: Shifting Priorities in the Saamaka Vernacular" (with Sally Price), in Christina Kullberg & **** (eds.), Vernaculars in the Age of World Literatures, London, Bloomsbury, pp. 127-152.


2022  "Un aperçu des Marrons aux Amériques," Recherches Francophones: Revue de l'Association internationale d'étude des littératures et des cultures de l'espace francophone 2(1):11-23.


2022 "Introduction" in Prophets of Doom: A History of the Okanisi Maroons, by H.U.E. Thoden van Velzen, Leiden, Brill, pp. 1-24.


2022  "One Anthropologist's Adventures in the Archives,' in Fernanda Areas Peixoto et al. (eds), Archives, Collections and Practices of Knowledge-Making: Histories of Anthropology, São Paulo: BBM, pp. 52-79.


2023  "Maroons and Indigenous Peoples versus the State in Suriname," NACLA Report on the Americas, Fall, 279-285.


2023  "Michel-Rolph Trouillot," Key Thinkers in Bloomsbury History: Theory & Method digital resource: DOI: 10.5040/9781350887619.218.  


2023   "Art of the Dutch Caribbean" (with Sally Price), in David Bindman, Alejandro de la Fuente. and Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (eds.), The Image of the Black in the Caribbean: From Colony to Nation, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, pp. 281-319.


2024   "Saamaka Peace Treaty (1762)," in Micheal Tarver & Carlos Márquez (eds.), South America: From European Contact to Independence. London: ABC-CLIO/Bloomsbury.


2025    "Rip Van Winkle in the Rain Forest" (with Sally Price), New West Indian Guide 99:1-30.


2025    "The Afobaka Dam: A Crime Against Humanity," New West Indian Guide 99:**-**.


n.d.    "Fifty Years Later: On the Origin of Maroon Societies," in Flávio dos Santos Gomes & Javier Lavina (eds.), ******


n.d.    "Maroons in Guyane" (with Sally Price), in Ryan Jobson, Olivia da Cunha & Stephan Palmié (eds.), The Caribbean World, London: Routledge, pp. ***




1970 Review of Silvia W. de Groot, Djuka society and social change, in Man 5:155.

1971 Review of Michael Horowitz, Morne-Paysan: peasant village in Martinique, in American Anthropologist 73:340-341.

1971 Review article: The American environmental series (42 vols.), in American Scientist 59:470-471.

1971 Review of Angelina Pollak-Eltz, Afro-Amerikaanse godsdiensten en culten, in American Anthropologist 73:1355-1356.

1973 Review of Charles J. Wooding, Winti: een Afroamerikaanse godsdienst in Suriname, in American Anthropologist 75:1884-1886.

1974 Review of S.L. Engerman and E.D. Genovese (eds.), Race and slavery in the Western Hemisphere: quantitative studies, in Ethnohistory 21:286-288.

1974 Review of R.A.J. van Lier, Frontier society: a social analysis of the history of Surinam, in Societas 4:73-75.

1975 Review of George P. Rawick, The American slave: a composite autobiography. Volume I, From sundown to sunup: the making of the black community, in American Anthropologist 78:415-416.

1976 Review of H.E. Lamur, The demographic evolution of Surinam 1920-1970: a socio-demographic analysis, in American Anthropologist 78:436-437.

1977 Review of Alex Haley, Roots: the saga of an American family, in Maryland Historical Magazine 72(2):325-328.

1977 Review of A.F. Marks, Male and female and the Afro-Curacaoan household, in American Anthropologist 79:678.

1979 Review of S.W. de Groot, From isolation to integration, in American Anthropologist 81:168.

1979 Review of E. Dew, The difficult flowering of Suriname: ethnicity and politics in a plural society, in American Historical Review 84:1209-1210.

1980 “So many different people in the same device: recent Caribbean bibliography.” Nieuwe West-Indische Gids 54:39-44.

1980 Review of Nina S. de Friedemann and Richard Cross, Ma Ngombe: guerreros y ganaderos en Palenque, in American Anthropologist 82:899.

1980 Review of J.L. Dillard, Black Names, in Ethnohistory 27:99-101.

1981 Review of B.W. Higman, Slave population and economy in Jamaica, 1807-1834, in Hispanic American Historical Review 61:170-172.

1982 Review of S. Allen Counter and David L. Evans, I sought my brother: an Afro-American reunion, in American Ethnologist 9:608-609.

1982 “Opodron: new pathways to Caribbean knowledge.” Nieuwe West-Indische Gids 56:83-89.

1983 Review of W.K. Vass, The Bantu speaking heritage of the United States, in Language Problems and Language Planning 7:108-112.

1983 Review article on Bronnen voor de studie van Bosneger samenleving, in American Ethnologist 10:194-195.

1984 “Caribbean pepper-pot.” Nieuwe West-Indische Gids 58:89-98.

1984 Review of Roger D. Abrahams and John F. Szwed, After Africa, in Hispanic American Historical Review 64:368-369.

1986 Review of Hugo A.M. Essed, De Binnenlandse Oorlog in Suriname 1613-1793, in Slavery & Abolition 7:312-313.

1987 “Caribbean mission: blood, sweat, and tears -- and more blood” [review article on: C.G.A. Oldendorp's History of the mission of the Evangelical Brethren on the Caribbean islands of St. Thomas, St. Croix, and St. John], in Nieuwe West-Indische Gids 61:175-81.

1987 Review of Gad Heuman (ed.), Out of the house of bondage: runaways, resistance, and marronage in Africa and the New World, in Slavery & Abolition 8:130-132.

1989 Review of John Gabriel Stedman, Reize naar Surinamen, in Nieuwe West-Indische Gids 63:241-2.

1989 Review of Robert Borofsky, Making history: Pukapukan and anthropological constructions of knowledge, in Journal of American Folklore 102:116-17.

1989 Review of M.-J. Jolivet, La question creole, in Journal de la Société des Américanistes 75: 234-37.

1990 Review of Sandra T. Barnes, Africa's Ogun: Old World and New, in Hispanic American Historical Review 70:484-86.

1991 Review of Greg Dening, History's anthropology: the death of William Gooch, in American Anthropologist 93:493-94.

1992 Review of Johannes M. Postma, The Dutch in the Atlantic slave trade, 1600-1815, in Ethnohistory 39:240-42.

1992 “Callaloo” (with Sally Price) [review article on three dozen recent Caribbean books], in New West Indian Guide 66:95-99.

1993 Review of Brackette F. Williams, Stains on my name, war in my veins: Guyana and the politics of cultural struggle, in American Anthropologist 95:772-73.

1993 “Rundown” (with Sally Price) [review article on four dozen recent Caribbean books], in New West Indian Guide 67:101-108.

1993 Review of Michael Craton and Gail Saunders, Islanders in the stream: a history of the Bahamian people, in American Historical Review 98:1713-14.

1993 Review of Robert Cohen, Jews in another environment: Surinam in the second half of the eighteenth century, in New West Indian Guide 67:310-12

1993 “Postcolonial Madness,” review of Roland Littlewood, Pathology and identity: the work of Mother Earth in Trinidad, in Current Anthropology 34:792-95.

1994 “Migan” (with Sally Price) [review article on four dozen recent Caribbean books], in New West Indian Guide 68:81-91.

1994 Review of George W. Stocking, Jr., The ethnographer's magic and other essays in the history of anthropology, in Ethnohistory 41:669-71.

1994 Review of Wolfgang Binder (ed.), Slavery in the Americas, in Slavery & Abolition 15:117-20.

1995 “Sancocho” (with Sally Price) [review article on one hundred recent Caribbean books], in New West Indian Guide 69:127-141.

1996 Review of Neil L. Whitehead (ed.), Wolves from the sea: Readings in the anthropology of the native Caribbean, in American Ethnologist 23:187.

1996 Review of E. Kofi Agorsah (ed.), Maroon heritage: Archaeological, ethnographic, and historical perspectives, in Slavery & Abolition 17:125-126.

1996 “Turning Coo-coo” (with Sally Price) [review article on one hundred recent Caribbean books], in New West Indian Guide 70:113-131.

1997 Review of Allison Blakely, Blacks in the Dutch world: the evolution of racial imagery in a modern society, in Transforming Anthropology 6:89-90.

1997 “Cooks' Day Off” (with Sally Price) [review article on 100+ recent Caribbean books], in New West Indian Guide 71:87-105.

1998 Review of Euzhan Palcy, Aimé Césaire: Une voix pour l'histoire (with Sally Price), in Caribbean Studies Newsletter 25(1):34-35.

1998 “Bookshelf 1997” (with Sally Price) [review article on 100+ recent Caribbean books], in New West Indian Guide 72:111-123.

1999 “Bookshelf 1998” (with Sally Price) [review article on 100+ recent Caribbean books], in New West Indian Guide 73:103-120.

2000 “Bookshelf 1999” (with Sally Price) [review article on 100+ recent Caribbean books], in New West Indian Guide 74:119-132.

2000 Review of Ellen-Rose Kambel & Fergus MacKay, The Rights of Indigenous People and Maroons in Suriname, in New West Indian Guide 74:353-356.

2001 “Bookshelf 2000” (with Sally Price) [review article on 100+ recent Caribbean books], in New West Indian Guide 75:97-121.

2002 Review of Creolization in the Americas, edited by David Buisseret and Steven G. Reinhardt, in Journal of Southern History 68(3):671-673.

2003 "Ti Ponch:, Or, Bookshelf 2002" (with Sally Price), New West Indian Guide 77:111-126.

2003 “Black Rome.” [Review essay on Anthropologie du carnaval: La ville, la fête et l'Afrique à Bahia, by Michel Agier]. Current Anthropology 44(3):443-445.

2003 Review of Ellen-Rose Kambel, Resource Conflicts, Gender and Indigenous Rights in Suriname: Local, National and Global Perspectives, in New West Indian Guide 77:320-322.

2004 Review of Gabino La Rosa Corzo, Runaway Slave Settlements in Cuba: Resistance and Repression, in Caribbean Studies 32:251-254.

2004 "Bookshelf 2003" (with Sally Price) [review article on 100+ recent Caribbean books], in New West Indian Guide 78:113-122.

2005 "A Different Beat." TLS January 7, p. 24.

2005 Review of Jerry Gershenhorn, Melville J. Herskovits and the Racial Politics of Knowledge, in New West Indian Guide 79:114-117.

2005 "Bookshelf 2004" (with Sally Price) [review article on 100+ recent Caribbean books], in New West Indian Guide 79:91-102.

2007 "Bookshelf 2005/2006" (with Sally Price) [review article on 100+ recent Caribbean books], in New West Indian Guide 81:93-107.

2008 "Bookshelf 2007" (with Sally Price) [review article on 100+ recent Caribbean books], in New West Indian Guide 82:103-111.

2008 “Martinique, Memory, Césaire.” Caribbean Studies 36:211-214.

2008 Review of Charles Stewart (ed.), Creolization: History, Ethnography, Theory, in Slavery & Abolition 29:454-456.

2008 Review of Alvin O Thompson, Flight to Freedom: African Runaways and Maroons in the Americas, in New West Indian Guide 82:291-293.

2009 "Bookshelf 2008" (with Sally Price) [review article on 100+ recent Caribbean books], in New West Indian Guide 83:109-119.

2010 Review of Kunst van Overleven: Marroncultuur uit Suriname (with Sally Price), in American Anthropologist 112:655-656.

2010 "Bookshelf 2009" (with Sally Price) [review article on 100+ recent Caribbean books], in New West Indian Guide 84:97-105.

2010 Recensie: Tentoonstelling ‘Kunst van Overleven: Marroncultuur uit Suriname’ (met Sally Price), Siboga 20(1):38-39)

2011 "Bookshelf 2010" (with Sally Price) [review article on 100+ recent Caribbean books], in New West Indian Guide 85:85-98

2012 "Bookshelf 2011" (with Sally Price) [review article on 100+ recent Caribbean books], in New West Indian Guide 86:96-108

2013 Review of Jean Hébrard (ed.), Brésil: Quatre siècles d’esclavage. Nouvelles questions, nouvelles recherches, in Slavery & Abolition **:**-**.

2013 "Bookshelf 2012" (with Sally Price) [review article on 100+ recent Caribbean books], in New West Indian Guide 87:**-***

2014 "Bookshelf 2013" (with Sally Price) [review article on 100+ recent Caribbean books], in New West Indian Guide 88:62-84.

2015 "Bookshelf 2014" (with Sally Price) [review article on 100+ recent Caribbean books], in New West Indian Guide 89:69-87.

2016 "Bookshelf 2015" (with Sally Price) [review article on 100+ recent Caribbean books], in New West Indian Guide 90:62-80.

2016 Review of Sea of Storms: A History of Hurricanes in the Greater Caribbean from Columbus to Katrina. by Stuart B. Schwartz, in New West Indian Guide 90:303-304.

2017 Review of Freedom, Power and Sovereignty: The Thought of Gordon K. Lewis, edited by Brian Meeks & Jermaine McCalpin, in New West Indian Guide 91:295-296.

2017 "Bookshelf 2016" (with Sally Price) [review article on 100+ recent Caribbean books], in New West Indian Guide 91:57-77.

2018 "Bookshelf 2017" (with Sally Price) [review article on 100+ recent Caribbean books], in New West Indian Guide 92:80-97.

2018 Review of Island People: The Caribbean and the World, by Joshua Jelly-Schapiro, in New West Indian Guide 92:109-111.


2018   Review of Language and Slavery: A Social and Linguistic History of the Suriname Creoles, by Jacques Arends, in New West Indian Guide 92:387-388.


2019  Bookshelf 2018 (with Sally Price) [review article on 100+ recent Caribbean books], in New West Indian Guide 93:73-98.


2020  Review of Witnessing Slavery: Art and Travel in the Age of Abolition, by Sarah Thomas, in in New West Indian Guide 94:311-312.

2020 Bookshelf 2019 (with Sally Price) [review article on 100+ recent Caribbean books], in New West Indian Guide 94:82-111.


2021   Review of The Things of Others: Ethnographies, Histories, and Other Artefacts, by Olívia Maria Gomes da Cunha, in New West Indian Guide 95:99-100.


2021   Review of The Humble Ethnographer: Lodewijk Schmidt's Accounts from Three Voyages in Amazonian Guiana, by Renzo S. Duin, in New West Indian Guide 95:397-398.


2021   Review of Blood on the River: A Chronicle of Mutiny and Freedom on the Wild Coast, by Marjoleine Kars, in New West Indian Guide 95:363-364.


2021   Bookshelf 2020 (with Sally Price) [review article on 100+ recent Caribbean books], in New West Indian Guide 95:63-95.


2022   Review of Chercheurs d'or. L'orpaillage clandestin en Guyane française, by François-Michel Le Tourneau, in New West Indian Guide 96: 209-210.


2022   Review of Les Mondes de l'esclavage: une histoire comparée, edited by Paulin Ismard, Benedetta Rossi & Cécile Vidal, in New West Indian Guide 96: 351-352.


2022   Bookshelf 2021 (with Sally Price) [review article on 100+ recent Caribbean books], in New West Indian Guide 96:90-132.


2023   Bookshelf 2022 (with Sally Price) [review article on 100+ recent Caribbean books], in New West Indian Guide 97:90-124.


2024   Bookshelf 2023 (with Sally Price) [review article on 100+ recent Caribbean books], in New West Indian Guide 98:93-129.



1961 “Midnight roundups hasten marriages.” The Crimson Review 2(6):2-3.

1966 “A note on canoe names in Martinique” (with Sally Price). Names 14:157-160.

1973 Reply to Jean Hurault, “Réponse à 'The Guiana Maroons.'” Caribbean Studies 12(4):121-122.

1974 “The music and verbal arts of the Saramaka Maroons of Suriname: a field collection” (with Sally Price). On deposit at the Archives of Traditional music, Indiana University.

1977 “Commentary” [on “Slave revolts, resistance, and marronage”], in Vera Rubin and Arthur Tuden (eds.), Comparative perspectives on slavery in New World plantation societies [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 292], New York, pp. 495-500.

1977 Music from Saramaka: a dynamic Afro-American tradition (with Sally Price). Recording, with extensive notes. New York: Folkways Records.

1978 “Foreword” to Roger Bastide, The African religions of Brazil. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, pp.vii-xii.

1979 “A note on Suriname plantation archives at the University of Minnesota.” Itinerario 3(2):3.

1979 “Commentary on Afro-American slave culture.” Historical Reflections/Reflections Historiques 6(1):141-149.

1981 “Editors' Note” (with Franklin W. Knight), in Walter Rodney, A history of the Guyanese working people, 1881-1905. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. xiii-xiv.

1981 “From slavery to freedom: music of the Saramaka Maroons of Suriname.” (Descriptive notes for a phonographic record of same title.) New York: Lyrichord.

1981 “Music and dance from Saramaka” (with Sally Price). Baltimore: Walters Art Gallery (brochure).

1982 “Jimmy in Los Angeles” (with Sally Price). Mededelingen der Surinaams Musea (“extra editie”):8-9.

1984 “Editor's Preface,” in Louise Hanson and F. Allan Hanson, The art of Oceania. Boston: G.K. Hall and Co., pp. xi-xii.

1985 “In the interests of history,” American Ethnologist 12:780.

1985 “Editor's Preface,” in Janet Catherine Berlo, The art of Pre-Columbian Meso-America. Boston: G.K. Hall and Co., pp.vii-viii.

1986 “On historical and anthropological editing,” Itinerario XI(2):9.

1987 “Editor's Preface,” in Daniel P. Biebuyck, The arts of Central Africa. Boston: G.K. Hall and Co, pp. xi-xii.

1988 “Another Moor of Venice” (with Sally Price), New York Times May 4, p. 30.

1990 “Dos investigadores norteamericanos en Santiago de Cuba” [Interview with Rafael Duharte Jimenez], in Del Caribe 16/17:170-173.

1992 “Statement by Gaama Songo, Paramount Chief of the Saramaka People,” transcribed and translated by Richard Price, in 1992 Festival of American Folklife, Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution, p. 77. [reprinted in Educational Resource Guide for Creativity and Resistance: Maroon Cultures in the Americas, Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibitions Service, 1999]

1993 “Anthropologists go home: tropical reflections on the academy” (with Sally Price), Chronicle of Higher Education August 11, pp. B3-B4 [re-titled without permission by the publisher as: “'Based where we ought to be': 2 anthropologists abandon the comforts of an academic home for a fisherman's cottage in Martinique”].

1993 “Toni Morrison wins 1993 Nobel Prize for literature” (with Sally Price), The Crusader (St. Lucia), Saturday, October 23, p. 11.

1993 “Writing Alabi's World” in Ideas in Anthropology, 1993 Annual Report of the School of American Research, Santa Fe, pp. 23-25.

1994 “Human Rights in Suriname," Third World Viewpoint for a Just World Order, Spring.

1994 “Introduction à l'édition française,” in Richard Price, Les premiers temps: la conception de l'histoire des Marrons saramaka. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, pp. 7-8.

1994 “From academe to Martinique” (with Sally Price), The Independent Scholar 8(3):10-11.

1998 "Préface," in Michèle Baj Strobel, Les gens de l'or: Mémoire des orpailleurs créoles du Maroni. Petit Bourg, Guadeloupe: Ibis Rouge Éditions, pp. 9-11.

1998 “Saramaka” (with Sally Price), in Jean-Christophe Tamisier (ed.), Dictionnaire des Peuples. Paris: Larousse, p. 285.

1999 "Afterword / Echoes," in John W. Pulis (ed.), Religion, Diaspora and Cultural Identity. Amsterdam: Gordon & Breach, pp. 403-411.

2001 “On the Art of Reviewing” (with Sally Price). Perspectives 39(6):57.

2002 “Maroons.” Chicago: World Book Online Americas Edition and World Book Online International Edition.

2002 “The Caribbeanist Hall of Shame, 2001” (with Sally Price), New West Indian Guide 76:115-116.

2003 “Maroons.” Chicago: World Book Encyclopedia, Vol 13, p. 217.

2003 “Compte Rendu des Conférences de M. Richard Price.” l'Annuaire de l'École Pratique des Hautes Études, Section des Sciences religieuses 110:471-472.

2006 "Afterword" to the 2nd edition of Richard Price, The Convict and the Colonel: A Story of Colonialism and Resistance in the Caribbean. Durham: Duke University Press, pp. 221-230.

2009 “My Teacher, Claude Lévi-Strauss.” Invited blog-post at www.aaa.net.

2009 “Sex, Magic, Murder.” In African Diaspora Archaeology Newsletter, December.

2009 "Préface/Preface/Prefácio," in R. Price et. al., Pierre Verger, un pont au dessus de l’Atlantique. Cayenne, DRAC Guyane, pp. 4-9.

2013 “Hommage à Césaire” (with Sally Price). In Aimé Césaire: 100 regards, 5 continents, Fort-de-France, Conseil Général de la Martinique, p. 213.

2014. "Une culture originale, entre Afrique et Amérique." Interview with Nicolas Ancellin, GEO 419 (January), pp. 61-62.

2015. "The Art of JAMA Article." Journal of the American Medical Association 314(21):2305.

2017 “Les Marrons du Suriname ont pu construire leur culture de la manière la plus indépendante” interview (with Sally Price) by Hélène Ferrarini, africultures, available at http://africultures.com/marrons-suriname-ont-pu-construire-culture-de-maniere-plus-independante/

2018 “Interview met Richard en Sally Price.” NRC Handelsblad, Wetenschap, Zaterdag 2 juni 2018, pp. W10-W11.

2018 “Antropologen Richard en Sally Price doen nog altijd veldwerk.”

2018 “Development vs. Human Rights.” http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/latamcaribbean/2018/05/31/development-versus-human-rights-the-saamaka-maroons-fight-for-the-rainforests-of-suriname/

2018 Podcast interview with Alejandra Bronfman, “New Books in Caribbean Studies” (with Sally Price re: Saamaka Dreaming)


2019 "Remy and Peepina" (with Sally Price), in Remy Jungerman, Where the River Runs. Prinsenbeek NL: Jap Sam Books, p. 132.


2023  "Foreword" to David H. Brown, Adeshina's Cuba: The Yorùbá Lukumí Priesthoods, 1830 to 1959, : place: pub  ***.