Curriculum Vitae
1982. Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University (Social Anthropology)
1965. A.B. Harvard University (French Literature)
1963-64. Faculté des Lettres, Université de Sorbonne
1994-- Duane A. & Virginia S. Dittman Professor (Emerita since 2011) of American Studies and Anthropology, College of William & Mary
2008 (spring). Directeur d'Études Invité. École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris)
2003 (spring). Directeur d'Études Invité, Section Sciences Religieuses (Sorbonne), École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris)
1998. Professora Visitante, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil (spring)
1994. George A. Miller Endowment Visiting Professor, University of Illinois (fall)
1994. Visiting Scholar, University of Florida (spring)
1992. Lecturer, Department of Art and Archaeology, Princeton University (spring)
1992. Honorary Fellow, Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Historical Studies, Princeton University (spring)
1989-96. Comité Scientifique, Musée Régional de Guyane (Cayenne, French Guiana)
1989-90. Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, Stanford University
1989-90. Associate Fellow, Stanford Humanities Center
1987-88. Visiting Associate Professor, Institute of International Studies, University of Minnesota
1985-87. Chercheur Associé, Laboratoire d'Anthropologie Sociale, Paris
1985-86. Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Art History, The Johns Hopkins University
1984-85. Assistant Professor of Anthropology, The Johns Hopkins University
1982-84. Postdoctoral Fellow, The Johns Hopkins University
1981-82. Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Utrecht (Netherlands)
1979-80. Senior Museum Scientist, UCLA Museum of Cultural History
Grants and Fellowships:
2006. National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship
2005. Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research Grant
2001-02. Faculty Research Assignment, College of William & Mary
1999. Graduate Research Dean’s Seed-Money Award, College of William & Mary
1999. Summer Research Grant, College of William and Mary
1998. Fulbright Senior Fellowship, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil
1997. Summer Research Grant, College of William and Mary
1992-94. National Endowment for the Humanities Research Grant
1992-93. John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship
1992-93. Wenner-Gren Foundation grant-in-aid
1987-88. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania [declined]
1985-88. National Endowment for the Humanities Research Grant
1985-86. American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship
1985-86. Wenner-Gren Foundation grant-in-aid
1984-85. Wenner-Gren Foundation grant-in aid
1981-82. NATO Postdoctoral Fellowship in Science
1978. Research Grant, Tropical South American Program of the University of Florida
1977-78. Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship
1975-77, 1978-79. National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship
1975, 1976. Summer Field Grants, Atlantic History and Culture Program of The Johns Hopkins University
1975-76. Danforth Foundation Graduate Fellowship for Women
1974-75. Johns Hopkins University Fellowship
Honors and Prizes:
2014. Decorated as Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (“Knight of the Order of Arts and Literature,” awarded by France’s Ministry of Culture for "sa contribution derminante au rayonnement de la recherche anthropologique et au développement de la réflexion sur les musées de société.")
2010. Gaanman Gazon Matodja Award (the highest distinction bestowed by Maroons, via the Marroninstituut stichting Sabanapeti, Utrecht)
2008-present. Elected Honorary Member of the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies
2000-present. Elected Member, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen)
1982. Alice and Edith Hamilton Prize in Women’s Studies, University of Michigan
1977. Second Prize, Elsie Clews Parsons Essay Competition, sponsored by the American Ethnological Society
2002. “Suriname: Afroamerikaner” and “Suriname: andere (Javanen, Inder, Chinesen)” – two wings (88 sq meters) of the Völkerkundemuseum Herrnhut, Germany (co-curator with Richard Price). Permanent exhibition.
1997-2008. Supervision of small student-curated exhibits on African game boards, Iban textiles and headhunting, Paleo-Indian archaeology, Bermuda archaeology, Hawaiian shell lei’s, and cultural variation in belly-dance. College of William & Mary.
1996. Supervision of large student-curated exhibit on calabashes from the Suriname rain forest. College of William & Mary [partly dismantled December 2000 to make room for another exhibit].
1982. “Arte afroamericano en el Caribe” (co-curator with Richard Price). Museo del Hombre Dominicano, Santo Domingo.
1980-82. “Afro-American Arts from the Suriname Rain Forest” (co-curator with Richard Price). Sponsored by the UCLA Museum of Cultural History and funded by three grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The Frederick S. Wight Art Gallery (Los Angeles), the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, the Walters Art Gallery (Baltimore), and the American Museum of Natural History (New York).
Editorial and Translating Activities:
2016. Translation and transcriptions (with Richard Price) for our Saamaka-language book, Boo Go a Kontukonde. La Roque d'Anthéron (France): Vents d'ailleurs.
2013. Fesiten. Translation (with Richard Price) into the Saamaka language of R. Price, First-Time: The Historial Vision of an African American People. La Roque d'Anthéron (France): Vents d'ailleurs.
2002----? Editorial Board, Tipití
2000----? Editorial Board, New World Diasporas series, University Press of Florida
1990-present. Book Review Co-Editor, New West Indian Guide
1990----? Editorial Committee, Association of Black Anthropologists
1990----? Editorial Board, Transforming Anthropology
1988----? Editorial Advisory Board, Hemisphere
1982-present. Editorial Board, New West Indian Guide
2000. Le Bagnard et le Colonel, par Richard Price. Traduit par Sally Price. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
1997-2000. Editorial Board, Ethnohistory
1991-1993. Editorial Advisory Board, Anthropology and Humanism Quarterly
1990-1993. Co-editor (with Bernice Reagon Johnson, Raymund Paredes, & John Kuo Wei Tchen), Rights of Culture, book planned by the “Working Group on a New American Sensibility” under sponsorship of National Public Radio and the Mexican Museum of San Francisco. Publication canceled.
1983-1987. National Advisory Board, Women and Culture Series, University of Michigan Press
1982-86. Book Review Editor, New West Indian Guide/Nieuwe West-Indische Gids
1982-1984. Co-editor (with Sidney W. Mintz) of Focus: Caribbean, 11 pamphlets commissioned and distributed by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
1965-1966. Editing of Evon Z. Vogt's Zinacantan: A Maya Community in the Highlands of Chiapas (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1969 – winner of the Belknap Prize) and The Zinacantecos of Mexico: A Modern Maya Way of Life (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970)
Books [and their foreign editions]:
1980 Afro-American Arts of the Suriname Rain Forest (by Sally & Richard Price). Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. (Published simultaneously as an exhibition catalogue by the Museum of Cultural History, UCLA.)
1984 Co-Wives and Calabashes (by Sally Price). Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press (second edition 1993).
1985 Caribbean Contours (edited by Sidney W. Mintz & Sally Price). Baltimore & London: Johns Hopkins University Press.
1988 John Gabriel Stedman’s Narrative of a Five Years Expedition Against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam (newly transcribed from the 1790 manuscript: edited, and with an introduction and notes by Richard Price & Sally Price). Baltimore & London: Johns Hopkins University Press.
1989 Primitive Art in Civilized Places (by Sally Price). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
[2001: second edition with a new afterword].
.....1992 I Primitivi traditi: L’arte dei “selvaggi” e la presunzione occidentale. Prefazione di Federico Zeri. Traduzione de Augusto Roca De Amicis. Torino: Giulio Einaudi Editore, Collection Einaudi Contemporanea.
.....1992 Primitive Kunst in zivilisierter Gesellschaft. Aus dem Englischen von Sylvia M. Schomburg-Scherff. Frankfurt/Main: Campus Verlag, Edition Pandora.
.....1993 Arte primitivo en tierra civilizada. Traducción de Victoria Schussheim. Mexico: Siglo Veintiuno.
.....1995 Arts primitifs; regards civilisés. Préface de Federico Zeri. Traduit de l’américain par Geneviève Le Baut et Marie-Anne Sichère. Paris: École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts.
............2006: second edition, with a new preface by Maurice Godelier, a new afterword by SP, and the 1995 essay (“Leçon”) by Federico Zeri,
............2012: third edition of the 2006 edition (version poche—“D’art en questions” collection).
.....2000 Arte primitiva em centros civilizados. Traduzido do inglês por Înes Alfano. Rio de Janeiro: Editora UFRJ
.....2002 Primitieve kunst in de beschaafde wereld. Vertaald door Loekie Schwartz. Amsterdam: KIT Press [with a new “Voorword,”].
.....2015 I Primitivi traditi: L’arte dei “selvaggi” e la presunzione occidentale. Traduzione de Augusto Roca De Amicis. Prefazione di Federico Zeri, Postfazione de Maurice Godelier, aggiornato con un nuovo saggio di Sally Price. Milano: Johan & Levi. (Expanded edition of the 1992 text published by Einaudi.)
.....2017 文明地区的原始艺术》,刘翔宇、李修建 译,北京:中国文联出版社2017年版。translated by Liu Xiangyu and Li Xiujian. Beijing: The Publishing House of the China Literary Federation.
1991 Two Evenings in Saramaka (by Richard Price & Sally Price). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
.....2016 Deux Soirées de contes saamaka. La Roque d'Anthéron: Vents d’ailleurs.
.....2016 Boo Go a Kontukonde. La Roque d'Anthéron: Vents d’ailleurs.
1992 Equatoria (by Richard Price & Sally Price, with pen-and-ink sketches by Sally Price). New York: Routledge.
1992 Stedman’s Surinam: Life in an Eighteenth-Century Slave Society (an abridged, modernized edition of John Gabriel Stedman’s Narrative of a Five Years Expedition Against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam, edited by Richard Price & Sally Price). Baltimore & London: Johns Hopkins University Press.
1992 C’est-à-dire (par Sally Price & Jean Jamin). Paris: Jean-Michel Place.
1994 On the Mall: Presenting Maroon Tradition-Bearers at the 1992 FAF (by Richard Price & Sally Price). Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
1995 Enigma Variations (by Richard Price & Sally Price). Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
.....1998 Die Instrumente der Fälscher. Aus dem Amerikanischen von Karin Diemerling. Hamburg: Ernst Kabel Verlag.
.....2016 Boléro tropical. Middletown DE: CreateSpace. [The 2016 edition is no longer available.]
1999 Maroon Arts: Cultural Vitality in the African Diaspora (by Sally Price & Richard Price). Boston: Beacon Press.
.....2000 De kunst van de Marrons: Culturele vitaliteit in de Afrikaanse diaspora. Vertaald door Guus Houtzager. Amsterdam: KIT Press
.....2005 Les arts des Marrons. Traduit de l’américain par Michèle Baj Strobel. La Roque d’Anthéron: Vents d’ailleurs.
2003 The Root of Roots: Or, How Afro-American Anthropology Got Its Start (by Richard Price & Sally Price). Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press/University of Chicago Press.
2003 Les Marrons (par Richard Price & Sally Price). Châteauneuf-le-Rouge: Vents d’ailleurs.
2006 Romare Bearden: The Caribbean Dimension (by Sally Price & Richard Price). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
.....2006 Romare Bearden: une dimension caribéenne. Traduit de l’américain par Danièle Robert. La Roque d’Anthéron: Vents d’ailleurs.
2007 Paris Primitive: Jacques Chirac’s Museum on the Quai Branly (by Sally Price). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
.....2011 Au musée des illusions: Le rendez-vous manqué du quai Branly. Traduit de l’américain par Nelcya Delanoë en collaboration avec l’auteure. Paris: Éditions Denoël.
2017 Saamaka Dreaming (by Richard Price & Sally Price). Durham NC: Duke University Press.
2021 Les Marrons en Guyane (with Richard Price). Matoury, Guyane: Ibis Rouge.
2022 Maroons in Guyane: Past, Present, Future (with Richard Price). Athens: University of Georgia Press.
Articles, Book Chapters, and Review Essays:
1966 A Note on Canoe Names in Martinique (with Richard Price). Names 14:157-160.
1966 Noviazgo in an Andalusian Pueblo (with Richard Price). Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 22:302-322.
1966 Indian Summer. Radcliffe Quarterly 50:4-8 [re-titled without permission by the publisher].
1966 Stratification and Courtship in an Andalusian Village (with Richard Price). Man 1(4):526-533.
1970 Aspects of Social Organization in a Maya Hamlet (with Richard Price). studios de Cultura Maya 8:297-318.
1972 Kammbá: The Ethnohistory of an Afro-American Art (with Richard Price). Antropologica 32:3-27.
1972 Saramaka Onomastics: An Afro-American Naming System (with Richard Price). Ethnology 11:341-367.
1976 Secret Play Languages in Saramaka: Linguistic Disguise in a Caribbean Creole (with Richard Price). In Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett (ed.), Speech Play (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press), pp. 37-50.
1978 Reciprocity and Social Distance: A Reconsideration. Ethnology 17:339-350.
1979 John Gabriel Stedman's Collection of 18th-Century Artifacts from Suriname (with Richard Price). Nieuwe West-Indische Gids 53:121-140.
1980 Arts of the Suriname Maroons (with Richard Price). Mededelingen der Surinaams Musea 31:17-35.
1980 Exotica and Commodity: The Arts of the Suriname Maroons (with Richard Price). Caribbean Review 9(4):12-17, 47.
1981 Afro-American Arts of Suriname (with Richard Price). Johns Hopkins Magazine 32(4):18-25.
1981 Art of the Rain Forest (with Richard Price). Natural History 90(9):54-63.
1982 When is a Calabash not a Calabash? New West Indian Guide 56:69-82.
1983 Sexism and the Construction of Reality: An Afro-American Example. American Ethnologist 10:460-476.
1983 Wives, Husbands, and More Wives. Caribbean Review 12(2):26-29, 54-58.
1985 John Gabriel Stedman's “Journal of a Voyage to the West Indies in ye Year 1772. In a Poetical Epistle to a Friend” (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 59:185-196.
1986 L'esthétique et le temps: commentaire sur l'histoire orale de l'art. L'Ethnographie 82(1/2):215-225.
1986 Primitive Art in Civilized Places. Art in America 74(1):9-13.
1987 Primitiv Kunst på Civiliserede Steder. Jordens Folk 22:20-29.
1988 A Conversation with Michel Leiris (with Jean Jamin). Current Anthropology 29(1):157-174.
1988 Arts primitifs: regards civilisés. Gradhiva 4:18-27.
1988 Primitive Art. Children's Britannica (4th ed.) 14:182-186.
1989 Art autre: art nôtre. Cahiers du Musée National d'Art Moderne 28:61-68.
1989 Indian Summers (by Niko Price, with Richard Price & Sally Price) In Victoria R. Bricker & Gary H. Gossen (eds.), Ethnographic Encounters in Southern Mesoamerica: Essays in Honor of Evon Zartman Vogt, Jr. (Albany: Institute for Mesoamerican Studies, SUNY), pp. 125-132.
1989 Working for the Man: A Saramaka Outlook on Kourou (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 63:199-207.
1990 Of Princesses, Jaguars, and Scrawny Little Kids: Maroon Folktales in Comparative Perspective (with Richard Price). In Frank Bovenkerk, Frank Buis, & Henk Tromp (eds.), Wetenschap en Partijdigheid: Opstellen voor André J.F. Köbben (Assen/Maastricht: Van Gorcum), pp. 33-42.
1990 Stedman's Surinam: The Original Narrative (with Richard Price). Caribbean Review 16(3/4):18-23.
1991 Michel Leiris. In Library-Anthropology Resource Group (LARG), International Dictionary of Anthropologists (New York: Garland; general editor, Christopher Winters), pp. 397-399.
1991 Of Artists and Connoisseurs: Cultural Authority in Cross-Cultural Contexts. Berlin: Sozialanthropologische Arbeitspapiere no. 40.
1991 Parure. In Pierre Bonte & Michel Izard (eds.), Dictionnaire de l'ethnologie et de l'anthropologie (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France), pp. 560-561.
1992 Arts of the Suriname Maroons. 1992 Festival of American Folklife (Washington D.C.: Smithsonian Institution), pp. 67-69. [reprinted in Educational Resource Guide for Creativity and Resistance: Maroon Cultures in the Americas, Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibitions Service, 1999]
1992 Callalou (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 66:95-99. [Review article on three dozen recent Caribbean books.]
1992 Widerstand, Rebellion und Freiheit: Maroon Societies in Amerika und ihre Kunst (with Richard Price). In Corinna Raddatz (ed.), Afrika in Amerika (Hamburg: Hamburgisches Museum für Völkerkunde), pp. 157-173.
1993 Anthropologists Go Home (with Richard Price). Chronicle of Higher Education, 11 August, pp. B3-B4 [re-titled without permission by the publisher].
1993 Autoridad y Alteridad: Reflexiones Sobre el Arte. In Gary H. Gossen, J. Jorge Klor de Alva, et al. (eds.), De Palabra y Obra en el Nuevo Mundo, vol. 3: La Formación del Otro (México: Siglo XXI), pp. 431-452.
1993 Collective Fictions: Performance in Saramaka Folktales (with Richard Price). In Dorothea S. Whitten & Norman E. Whitten, Jr. (eds.), Imagery and Creativity: Ethnoaesthetics and Art Worlds in the Americas (Tucson: University of Arizona Press), pp. 235-288.
1993 Provenances and Pedigrees. In Dorothea S. Whitten & Norman E. Whitten, Jr. (eds.), Imagery and Creativity: Ethnoaesthetics and Art Worlds in the Americas (Tucson: University of Arizona Press), pp. 45-65.
1993 Rundown (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 67:101-108. [Review article on four dozen recent Caribbean books.]
1994 Migan (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 68:81-91. [Review article on four dozen recent Caribbean books.]
1994 Saramaka (with Richard Price). In David Levinson (ed.), Encyclopedia of World Cultures (Boston: G.K. Hall/Macmillan), pp. 296-299.
1994 Ethnicity in a Museum Case: France's Show-Window in the Americas (with Richard Price). Museum Anthropology 18(2):3-15.
1994 The Curse's Blessing. Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 14(2):126-145.
1995 Arts for Every Day: The Suriname Maroons. Faces: The Magazine About People, April, pp. 10-17.
1995 Calebasses et gourdes de Guyane. Nature Guyanaise. [Allegedly published, but I haven't seen it.]
1995 Executing Culture: Musée, Museo, Museum (with Richard Price). American Anthropologist 97(1):97-109.
1995 Experience Wedded in the Mind and Muscles. American Anthropologist 97(2):12-13.
1995 From Slavery to a New Life: The Maroons. Faces: The Magazine About People, April, pp. 4-7.
1995 Sancocho (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 69:127-141. [Review article on about a hundred recent Caribbean books.]
1996 A Arte dos povos sem história. Afro-Ásia 18:205-224. (Originally presented in Spanish at the Reina Sofia museum in Madrid, 3/94, as part of the “Desde el 45” lecture series).
1996 Museums, Ethnicity, and Nation-building: Reflections from the French Caribbean (with Richard Price). In Gert Oostindie (ed.), Ethnicity in the Caribbean: Essays in Honor of Harry Hoetink (London: Macmillan), pp. 81-105.
1996 Turning Coo-coo (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 70:113-131. [Review article covering over a hundred recent Caribbean books.]
1997 Cooks' Day Off (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 71:87-105. [Review article covering over a hundred recent Caribbean books.]
1998 Bookshelf 1997 (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 72:111-123. [Review article covering over a hundred recent Caribbean books.]
1997 Préface. In Annick Notter (ed.), Océanie: Curieux, Navigateurs et Savants (Lille: Réunion des Musées Nationaux), pp. 7-9.
1997 Shadowboxing in the Mangrove (with Richard Price). Cultural Anthropology 12(1):3-36.
1998 Saramaka (with Richard Price). In Jean-Christophe Tamisier (ed.), Dictionnaire des Peuples: Sociétés d’Afrique, d’Amérique, d’Asie et d’Océanie (Paris: Larousse), p. 285.
1999 A politica da identidade nas Antilhas Francesas (with Richard Price). Estudos Afro-Asiaticos 35:7-42.
1999 A centralidade das margens: arte, genero e criatividade afro-americana. Estudos Afro-Asiaticos 36:123-141.
1999 Artists In and Out of the Caribbean. New West Indian Guide 73-3/4:101-109.
1999 Bookshelf 1998 (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 73-1/2:103-120. [Review article covering over a hundred recent Caribbean books.]
1999 Raconter l’art. In Marc-Olivier Gonseth, Jacques Hainard & Roland Kaehr (eds.), L’art c’est l’art (Neuchâtel, Switzerland: GHK Éditeurs), pp. 77-92.
1999 Representations of Art and Arts of Representation. American Anthropologist 101:841-844.
1999 Saramaka Maroon Folktales in Comparative Afro-American Perspective (with Richard Price). In Margaret Read MacDonald (ed.), Traditional Storytelling Today: An International Sourcebook (London: Fitzroy Dearborn), pp. 522-527.
1999 The Centrality of Margins: Art, Gender, and African American Creativity. In Isidore Okpewho, Carole Boyce Davies, and Ali A. Mazrui (eds.), The African Diaspora: African Origins and New World Identities (Bloomington: University of Indiana Press), pp. 204-226.
2000 Bookshelf 1999 (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 74:119-132. [Review article covering over a hundred recent Caribbean books.]
2001 Afterword to the Second Edition. In S. Price, Primitive Art in Civilized Places (Chicago: University of Chicago Press), pp. 127-137.
2001 Beyond the Rainforest (with Richard Price). In Lowell Fiet & Janette Becerra (eds.), Cultural (con)Fusión?: TransCaribbean Performance and Performers (San Juan: Universidad de Puerto Rico), pp. 3-19.
2001 Bookshelf 2000 (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 75:97-121. [Review article covering over a hundred recent Caribbean books.]
2001 Cultures of the World à la Française. American Anthropologist 103(4):1172-1174.
2001 Le musée: lieu de représentation d’une identité. L’avenir des musées (Paris: Musée du Louvre), pp. 455-471.
2001 Maroons under Assault in Suriname and French Guiana (with Richard Price). Cultural Survival Quarterly 25(4):38-45.
2001 Patchwork History: Tracing Artworlds in the African Diaspora. New West Indian Guide 75:5-34
2002 At the Cutting Edge: Patchwork and the Process of Artistic Innovation. In William L. Merrill & Ives Goddard (eds.), Anthropology, History, and American Indians: Essays in Honor of William Curtis Sturtevant (Washington DC: Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology), pp. 241-254.
2002 Les Marrons: Vingt pour cent de la population de la Guyane (with Richard Price). Dérades: Revue Caribéenne de Recherches et d'Échanges 8:51-60.
2002 Voorwoord bij de Nederlandse uitgave. In S. Price, Primitieve kunst in de beschaafde wereld. (Amsterdam: KIT Press), pp. 7-17.
2003 Suriname – eine Einfürung (with Richard Price). Ethnographie und Herrnhuter Mission: Völkerkundemuseum Herrnhut (Dresden: Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde Dresden), pp. 120-121.
2003 Suriname – Afroamerikanische Marron (with Richard Price), Ethnographie und Herrnhuter Mission: Völkerkundemuseum Herrnhut )Dresden: Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde Dresden), pp. 138-149.
2003 Suriname – Kreolen, Chinesen, Inder, Javaner (with Richard Price and Petra Martin), Ethnographie und Herrnhuter Mission: Völkerkundemuseum Herrnhut (Dresden: Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde Dresden), pp. 150-153.
2003 Always Something New: Changing Fashions in a “Traditional” Culture. In Eli Bartra (ed.), Crafting Gender: Women and Folk Art in Latin America and the Caribbean (Durham NC: Duke University Press), pp. 17-34.
2003 Ti Ponch: Or, Bookshelf 2002 (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 77:111-126.
2003 Os museus ainda se julgam templos da alta-cultura: Antropóloga americana defende a revisão das definições de arte [newspaper interview by Catharina Epprecht]. Jornal do Brasil, Caderno “Ideias,” Sunday 26 October.
2004 Michel Leiris, French Anthropology, and a Side Trip to the Antilles. French Politics, Culture and Society 22(1):23-35.
2004 Os Direitos Humanos dos Quilombolas no Suriname e na Guiana Francesa (with Richard Price). In Claudia Fonseca, Veriano Terto Jr, and Caleb Farias Alves (eds.), Antropologia, diversidade e direitos humanos: diálogos interdisciplinares (Porto Alegre: Editora da UFRGS), pp. 199-220.
2004 Bookshelf 2003 (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 78:113-122. [Review article covering over a hundred recent Caribbean books.]
2004 Siempre algo nuevo: modas cambiantes en una “cultura tradicional”. In Eli Bartra (ed.), Mujeres y arte popular en América Latina y el Caribe (Mexico D.F.: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana), pp. 29-50.
2004 Marrons in Suriname en Frans Guyana: Verleden, Heden, Toekomst (with Richard Price). In Marjan Beijering (ed.), Gedeeld Verleden, Gezamenlijke Toekomst (Rotterdam: Stichting Gedeeld Verleden, Gezamenlijke Toekomst), pp. 9-21.
2005 La historia cultural afroamericana en los albores del siglo XXI (with Richard Price). In María Elisa Velázquez & Ethel Correa (eds.), Poblaciones y culturas de origin africano en México (Mexico: Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia), pp. 161-216.
2005 Suriname Maroons (with Richard Price). In William M. Clements (ed.), Greenwood Encyclopedia of World Folklore (Westport CT, Greenwood), vol. 4, pp. 236-243.
2005 Art and the Civilizing Mission. Anthropology and Humanism 30:133-140
2005 Maroon Arts. In Colin Palmer (ed.), Encyclopedia of African-American Culture and History: The Black Experience in the Americas (Detroit: Macmillan), pp. 1380-1385.
2005 ¿Son los antropólogos ciegos frente al arte? “Reprenent l'objecte i les seves mediacions: antropologia, art i artefacte,” Quaderns de l'Institut Català d'Antropologia (Barcelona) 21:15-31.
2005 Bookshelf 2004 (with Richard Price) [review article on 100+ recent Caribbean books]. New West Indian Guide 79:91-102.
2006 Chapter 10: A Case in Point and Afterwords to Primitive Art in Civilized Places. In Howard Morphy & Morgan Perkins (eds.), The Anthropology of Art (London: Blackwell), pp. 167-185.
2006 Seaming Connections. In Kevin A. Yelvington (ed.), Afro-Atlantic Dialogues: Anthropology in the Diaspora (Santa Fe NM: School of American Research), pp. 81-112.
2006 Passé, présent, futur: Interrogations sur l'histoire de l'art marron. In Philippe Guyot & Jacqueline Zonzon (eds.), Guyane, Histoire et Mémoire (Cayenne: Archives Départementales de Guyane).
2007 Into the Mainstream: Shifting Authenticities in Art. American Ethnologist 34(4):603-620
2007 Bookshelf 2005/2006 (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 81:93-107. [Review article covering over a hundred recent Caribbean books.]
2008 Réflexions sur le dialogue des cultures au quai Branly. Le Débat 148:179-192.
2008 Bookshelf 2007 (with Richard Price) New West Indian Guide 82:103-111.
2008 From Reel-to-Reel to Printed Page: The Biography of a Transcription (with Richard Price). Interva(le)s II.2-III.1 (Fall 2008-Winter 2009):686-711.
2009 Romare Bearden (1911-1988): Artist, Intellectual, Activist (with Richard Price). In Beatriz G. Mamigonian and Karen Racine (eds.), The Human Tradition in the Black Atlantic 1500-2000 (Lanham MD, Rowman & Littlefield), pp. 177-190.
2009 Cultures en dialogue: Options pour les musées du XXIe siècle. In Thierry Dufrêne et Anne-Christine Taylor (eds.), Cannibalismes disciplinaires: Quand l’histoire de l’art et l’anthropologie se rencontrent. (Paris: Institut National de l’Histoire de l’Art et Musée du quai Branly--actes du colloque international du 21-23 juin 2007).
–On-line publication:
–In published book: pp. 269-278.
2009 Bookshelf 2008 (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 83:109-119.
2010 Return to the Quai Branly. Museum Anthropology 33(1):11-20.
2010 Bookshelf 2009 (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 84:97-105.
2010 Silences in the Museum: Reflections on the European Exotic. Historische Anthropologie 18/2:176-190.
2010 Entrevista com Sally Price, por Ilana Seltzer Goldstein. Revista Proa, n°02, vol.01. []
2010 Du bois aux textiles dans l’art des Marrons de Guyane. In Valérie Dupont (ed.), Tissage(Mé)tissage : Regards croisés sur le tissu dans l’art des XIXe au XXIe siècles (Dijon : Editions Universitaires de Dijon), pp. 91-99.
2010 I musei e i loro collaboratori: antropologi, storici dell’arte, collezionisti. In Ivan Bargna & Giovanna Parodi da Passano (eds.), L’Africa delle Meraviglie: Arti africane nelle collezioni italiane (Milano: Silvana Editoriale), pp. 62-71. [Catalogue for exhibition of the same name in Genoa (Palazzo Ducale & Castello d’Albertis, December 2010–July 2011).]
2010 Rumo ao mainstream: trasladando autenticidades na arte. R@U (Revista de antropologia social dos alunos do ppgas-ufscar) 2 (December). []
2011 Bookshelf 2010 (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 85:85-98.
2012 Voix d'artistes In Adeline Pelletier (ed.), Histoires de voir (Paris: Fondation Cartier), pp. 12-15.
2012 Maroons in Suriname and French Guiana (with Richard Price). In Elvis Fuentes (ed.), Caribbean: Crossroads of the World (New Haven: Yale University Press), pp. 124-135.
2012 Bookshelf 2011 (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 86:96-108.
2012 "Artistic Replays" e differenza culturale. Roots&Routes: Magazine trimestrale indipendente di Cultura Visuale. October issue on “Politics and poetics of displaying”.
2012 Michel Leiris, French Anthropology, and a Side Trip to the Antilles [reprint]. In Okwui Enwezor (ed.), Intense Proximity: An Anthology of the Near and the Far. Paris: Centre National des Arts Plastiques, pp. 188-196.
2013 Art, Anthropology, and Museums in the United States: Ups and Downs of the Past Half-Century. In Sandra Ferracuti, Elisabetta Frasca & Vito Lattanzi (eds.), Beyond Modernity: Do Ethnography Museums Need Ethnography? (Rome: Espera Libreria Archeologica), pp. 197-207. (Proceedings of a conference held in Rome, 18-20 April 2012).
2013 Bookshelf 2012 (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 87:102-121.
2013 Suriname Literary Geography: The Changing Same (with Richard Price). In Maria Cristina Fumagalli, Peter Hulme, Owen Robinson & Lesley Wylie (eds.), Surveying the American Tropics : A Literary Geography from New York to Rio (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press), pp. 285-312.
2013 Silenciando o Subalterno: Reflexões Sobre o Museu do Quai Branly em Paris. In Dilamar Cándida Martins, Jordão Horta Nunes & Manuel Ferreira Lima Filho (organizadores), Subalternidades: Fluxos e Cenários (Goiás: Editora da PUC), pp. 83-98.
2013 The Enduring Power of Primitivism: Depicting the Other in 21st-Century France. In Gitti Salami & Monica Blackmun Visonà (eds.), Companion to Modern African Art (Blackwell), pp. 447-465.
2013 Alternative Authenticities (and Inauthenticities). In Alexander Geurds & Laura van Broekhoven (eds.), Creating Authenticity: Authentication Processes in Ethnographic Museums (Leiden: Museum Volkenkunde), pp. 135-147.
2013 Hommage à Césaire (with Richard Price). In Dominique Taffin (ed.), Aimé Césaire, 100 regards, 5 continents (Fort-de-France: Conseil Régional de la Martinique), p. 213.
2014 Bookshelf 2013 (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 88:62-84.
2014 Cartel. In Corinne Barbant & Christophe Boulanger (eds.), Oeuvres (Lille: Lille Métropole Musée d’art moderne, d’art contemporain et d’art brut), p. 65.
2014 Epilogue: The aesthetics and politics of multilingualism among the Saamaka (with Richard Price). In Eithne Carlin, Isabelle Léglise, Bettina Migge & Paul Tjon Sie Fat (eds.), In and out of Suriname: Language, mobility and identity (Leiden: Brill), pp. 252-260.
2014 Arte, Antropología y Museos: Orientaciones Post-Coloniales en los Estados Unidos. Éndoxa: Aportes y Sugerencias para una Antropología Social del S. XXI 33:143-164.
2014 The Three Jumpers (with Richard Price). Berlin: Humboldt-Forum.
2015 Art, Anthropology, and Museums: Post-Colonial Directions in the United States. Afrikadaa 9 (April):102-115.
2015 Au Femmage. In Gina Athena Ulysse (ed.), Caribbean Rasanblaj, e-misférica Spring.
2015. Artistic Replays and Cultural Difference. In Virginie Bobin & Mathilde Villeneuve (eds.), Re-publications (Berlin: Archive Books), pp. 269-285 [English and French versions of 2012 Italian article.]
2015. Tembe: un art qui s’adapte. In Jean Moomou (ed.), Actes du Colloque pluridisciplinaire « Les marronnages et leurs productions sociales, culturelles dans les Guyanes et le bassin caribéen du XVIIème au XXème siècle : bilans et perspectives de recherche » (Cayenne : Ibis Rouge), pp. 339-352.
2015 Bookshelf 2014 (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 89:69-87.
2015 Manolo’s Musée Imaginaire (with Richard Price). In Francisco Ferrándiz, Juan Antonio Flores, María García Alonso, Julián López García & Pedro Pitarch (eds.), Manuel Gutiérrez Estévez: Maestro de Etnógrafos (Americanistas). Madrid & Frankfurt: Iberoamericana & Vervuert, pp. 118-120.
2016 Les Marrons (with Richard Price). In Le Patrimoine des Communes de la Guyane. Paris: Attique, pp. 32-39.
2016 Higienização da cultura: poder e produção de exposições museológicas. In Manuel F. Lima Filho, Regina Abreu & Renato Athias (eds.), Museus e Atores Sociais: Perspectivas antropológicas. Recife: Editora da UFPE/ABA publicacões. [ebook:].
2016 Bookshelf 2015 (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 90:62-80.
2017 Beyond Francophonie: Contextualizing Éloge de la Créolité. Small Axe no. 52, vol. 21(1): 200-211.
2017 Bookshelf 2016 (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 91:57-77.
2018 Maroon Art in Guyane: New Forms, New Discourses. In Sarah Wood & Catriona MacLeod (eds.), Locating Guyane (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press), pp. 168-182.
2018 Saamaka Language, Ethnicity, and Identity: Suriname and Guyane (with Richard Price). In Jacqueline Knörr & Wilson Trajano Filho (eds.), Creolization and Pidginization in Contexts of Postcolonial Diversity (Leiden: Brill), pp. 96-115.
2018 El arte de los cimarrones: Desde el bosque tropical hasta la economía global. Anales del Caribe, (revista del Centro de Estudios del Caribe de la Casa de las Américas, Habana), pp. 289-300.
2018 Bookshelf 2017 (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 92:80-107.
2019 Bearden's Caribbean Dimension (with Richard Price). In Robert O'Meally (ed.), Romare Bearden Reader. Durham NC: Duke University Press, p. 351-362.
2019 Remy and Peepina (with Richard Price). In Rob Perrée (ed.), Remy Jungerman: Where the River Runs. Prinsenbeek, Netherlands: Jap Sam Books, p. 132.
2019 Bookshelf 2018 (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 93-1/2: 73-98.
2018 An Anthropologist's Dilemma: Maroon Tembe in the Twenty-First Century. In Olívia María Gomes da Cunha (ed.), Maroon Cosmopolitics: Personhood, Creativity, and Incorporation. Leiden: Brill, p. 350-373.
2019 Identité et Mondialisation. In Jean-François Charnier & Simone Verde (eds.), The Louvre Abu Dhabi Museum (Paris: Skira), pp. 188-193.
2020 Forum: Has the Sarr-Savoy report had any effect since it was first published? Apollo: The International Art Magazine, January, p. 18.
2020 Maroon Fashion History: An Update. New West Indian Guide 94-1/2: 1-38.
2020 Bookshelf 2019 (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 94-1/2: 82-111.
2021 Can the Netherlands make good on its restitution promises? Apollo: The International Art Magazine (15 February)
2021 From Fesiten to Fesibuku: Shifting Priorities in the Saamaka Vernacular (with Richard Price). In Christina Kullberg & David Watson (eds.), Vernaculars in the Age of World Literatures. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 127-152.
2021 Art ou Religion? Et Qui Doit Décider? In Laurick Zerbini (ed.), Capturer, Dépouiller, Partager l'Objet Africain : Expositions et Musées Missionnaires (XIXe-XXIe Siècles) Construction, Représentation et Circulation des Savoirs. Hémisphère / Maisonneuve & Larose, pp. 545-563.
2021 Bookshelf 2020 (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 95-1/2: 63-95.
2022 Evolving Meanings: Political and Ideological Background(s) to Repatriation Debates. In Fernanda Areas Peixoto, Gustavo Rossi & Christiano Tambascia (eds.), Archives, Collections and Practices of Knowledge-Making: Histories of Anthropology. São Paulo: Biblioteca Guita & José Mindlin, pp. 153-173.
2022 Graphic Activism. Roots & Routes: Research on Visual Cultures.
2022 Bookshelf 2021 (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 96-1/2: 90-132.
2023 Bookshelf 2022 (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 97-1&2:90-124.
2023 Art of the Dutch Caribbean (with Richard Price). In David Bindman, Alejandro de la Fuente, & Henry Louis Gates, Jr., The Image of the Black in the Caribbean: From Colony to Nation. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, pp. 281-319.
2025 Rip Van Winkle in the Rain Forest (with Richard Price), New West Indian Guide 99:1-30.
Book Reviews, Recordings, Reprints, and Miscellaneous Publications:
1974 The Music and Verbal Arts of the Saramaka Maroons of Suriname: A Field Collection (with Richard Price). 117 tapes, 1043 pages of transcriptions, and an introductory essay, on deposit in the Archives of Traditional Music, Indiana University.
1977 Music from Saramaka: A Dynamic Afro-American Tradition (with Richard Price). Washington DC: Folkways (record/cassette no. 04225). [Recording with ethnographic notes.]
1977 Review of: Henry Glassie, Folk Housing in Middle Virginia: A Structural Analysis of Historic Artifacts (1975). American Anthropologist 79:672.
1979 John Gabriel Stedman's Collection of 18th-Century Artifacts from Suriname (with Richard Price). Mededelingen der Surinaams Musea 27:32-45. [Reprint of 1979 NWIG article.]
1980 Afro-American Arts from the Suriname Rain Forest. Los Angeles: Museum of Cultural History. [Educational filmstrip kit with study guide and cassette for grades 4-8.]
1981 Music and Dance from Saramaka (with Richard Price). [Brochure prepared for May 1981 performances by eight Maroons in Washington, Baltimore, and New York.]
1984 Review of: William Ferris (ed.), Afro-American Folk Art and Crafts (1983). New West Indian Guide 58:112-114.
1985 Review of: Henry John Drewal & Margaret Thompson Drewal, Gelede: Art and Female Power among the Yoruba. American Ethnologist 12:812-813.
1986 Review of: William Rubin (ed.), “Primitivism” in Twentieth Century Art: Affinity of the Tribal and the Modern. American Ethnologist 13:578-580.
1987 Clash. La Quinzaine Littéraire 491:11-12. [Pre-publication extracts from: Entretien avec Michel Leiris, 1988.]
1987 Review of: S. Slesin et al., Caribbean Style. New West Indian Guide 61:90-91.
1988 Entretien avec Michel Leiris. Gradhiva 4:28-56. [Translation of: Conversation with Michel Leiris, 1988.]
1988 Michel Leiris: “L'Ethnologie, ça ne sert à rien.” Libération, 23 June, pp. vi-vii. [Partial reprint of: Entretien avec Michel Leiris, 1988.]
1988 Another Moor of Venice (with Richard Price). New York Times, 4 May, p. 30.
1988 Sexism and the Construction of Reality: An Afro-American Example. In Johnnetta B. Cole (ed.), Anthropology for the Nineties (New York: The Free Press), pp. 126-148. [Reprint of 1983 American Ethnologist article.]
1989 Our art – their art. Third Text 6:65-71. [Translation, by the Third Text editors, of: Art autre: art nôtre, 1989.]
1990 Review of: John Forrest, Lord I'm Coming Home: Everyday Aesthetics in Tidewater North Carolina. American Anthropologist 92(1):230-231.
1992 Review of: Pierre Bourdieu & Alain Darbel, The Love of Art: European Art Museums and their Public (translated by Caroline Beattie & Nick Merriman). American Anthropologist 94:745-746.
1992 Review of: Warren M. Robbins & Nancy Ingram Nooter, African Art in American Collections, Survey 1989. American Ethnologist 19:629-630.
1992 Review of: Marianna Torgovnick, Gone Primitive: Savage Intellects, Modern Lives. American Ethnologist 19:386-387.
1992 Review of: John Michael Vlach, The Afro-American Tradition in Decorative Arts (second edition). Ethnohistory 39:242-243.
1993 Preface to the second edition. Co-Wives and Calabashes (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press), pp. vii-xxiii.
1993 Toni Morrison Wins 1993 Nobel Prize for Literature (with Richard Price). The Crusader (Castries, St. Lucia), 23 October, p. 11.
1994 From Academe to Martinique (with Richard Price). The Independent Scholar 8(3):10-11. [Reprint of: Anthropologists Go Home, Chronicle of Higher Education, 1993.]
1995 Review of: John Elsner & Roger Cardinal (eds.), The Cultures of Collecting and Werner Muensterberger, Collecting, An Unruly Passion: Psychological Perspectives. Museum Anthropology 19:61-63.
1996 Review of: Colin Rhodes, Primitivism and Modern Art and Frances S. Connelly, The Sleep of Reason: Primitivism in Modern European Art and Aesthetics, 1725-1907, African Arts 29(1):18-21, 101.
1996 Review of: Lawrence Weschler, Mr. Wilson's Cabinet of Wonder. Museum Anthropology 20(1):77-78.
1998 Review of: Euzhan Palcy, “Aimé Césaire, une voix pour l'histoire” [3-part documentary film] (with Richard Price). Caribbean Studies Newsletter 25(1):34-35.
1998 Sexism and the Construction of Reality: An Afro-American Example. In Arlene Torres & Norman E. Whitten, Jr. (eds.), Blackness in Latin America and the Caribbean: Social Dynamics and Cultural Transformations, vol. II. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press), pp. 236-255. [Reprint of 1983 American Ethnologist article.]
1999 Shadowboxing in the Mangrove: The Politics of Identity in Post-Colonial Martinique (with Richard Price). In Belinda Edmonson (ed.), Caribbean Romances: The Politics of Regional Representation. (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia), pp. 123-162. [Reprint of 1997 Cultural Anthropology article.]
1999 Review of: Michèle Baj Strobel, Les Gens de l’or. Gradhiva 26:130-131.
2001 Anonymität und Zeitlosigkeit. In Wolfgang Till & Margrit Prussat (eds.), Neger im Louvre: Texte zu Kunstethnographie und moderner Kunst (Berlin: Verlag der Kunst), pp. 319-343. [Reprint of a chapter of the German edition of Primitive Art in Civilized Places.]
2001 On the Art of Reviewing (with Richard Price). Perspectives 39(6):57.
2002 The Caribbeanist Hall of Shame (with Richard Price). New West Indian Guide 76:115-116.
2004 Review of: Fred R. Myers, Painting Culture: The Making of an Aboriginal High Art. American Anthropologist 106(2):422-423.
2007 Review of Gradhiva. Museum Anthropology Review, 31 October.
2010 Review of Martorell: La aventura de la creación. New West Indian Guide 84-1&2:167-169.
2010 Review of Kunst van Overleven: Marroncultuur uit Suriname (with Richard Price). American Anthropologist 112:655-656.
2011 Review of Jacques Leenhardt, Lam. New West Indian Guide 85:297-299.
2012 Review of Daniel J. Sherman, French Primitivism and the Ends of Empire, 1945-1975. Modern and Contemporary France 20[2]: 278-279.
2014 Review of Camille Mazé, Frédéric Poulard et Christelle Ventura (eds.), Les musées d’ethnologie: culture, politique et changement institutionnel. Museum Anthropology Review.
2016 Review of Edward J. Sullivan, From San Juan to Paris and Back: Francisco Oller and Caribbean Art in the Era of Impressionism. New West Indian Guide 90:382-383.
2021 Review of Ruth Behar, Juanamaría Cordones-Cook & Kristin Schwain (eds.), Handmade in Cuba: Rolando Estévez and the Beautiful Books of Ediciones Vigía. New West Indian Guide 95-1&2: 180-181.
2023 Review of Csilla E. Ariese & Magdalena Wróblewska, Practicing Decoloniality in Museums: A Guide with Global Examples. New West Indian Guide 97:218-219.
[2024 Review of Jacqueline Bishop, Patchwork: Essays & Interviews on Caribbean Visual Culture. New West Indian Guide 98: xxx-yyy.]